Count 91: One Hard Decision

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Suasana sunyi terhasil. Tiada sebarang perbualan antara Leon dan Syceil. Angin lembut memasuki ke dalam bilik.

Tanpa sebarang bicara, Syceil segera menyentuh dada Leon. Remaja lelaki itu terkejut kerana merasakan ada sesuatu yang memasuki tubuhnya.

"I give you a little bit of my mana. It should help you survive until next month. This is my warning, don't ever use your magic or else, it will shorten your life." Ujar Syceil.

Leon hanya mampu terkedu lalu tersenyum tenang sambil memandang nafas.

"How can I pay my debt if you keep increasing it?"

"Since when you owe me? I'm doing this for free. So, no need to pay me." Balas Syceil lalu mengusap rambut Leon.

"If you say that. You have my thanks."

"No biggie, son."

"But, Syceil..."


"I notice that even I can't use my magic, my body feel stronger than before. And all my sense has been sharped."

"Eh? You sure?" Soal Syceil pelik.

"Yup. For example, the two Warrior out there said they want to go to Pleasure Bar tonight.."

"I know. But, what is Pleasure Bar?"

Leon tidak membalas sebaliknya membuat tanda lucah dengan tangannya sambil tersengih.


"Stupid son!" Ujar Syceil seraya mengetuk kuat kepala Leon.

"I'm confuse right now. I don't know what happen in my body. I don't have much time yet my body feel stronger. Is this a miracle?" Soal Leon.

Syceil teringat yang Hazen ada memberikan Leon 'hadiah' sebelum ini. Dia ingin memberitahu Leon mengenai hal ini namun dia diamkan.

"Maybe it is a miracle." Balas Syceil tenang.

Suasana sunyi terhasil sekali lagi. Tiada sebarang perbualan antara mereka berdua.

Setelah lama berdiam diri, Leon yang duduk segera turun dari katil dan menuju ke tingkap.

"Did you train Sarah, Syceil?" Soal Leon tetiba.

"Eh? Ah..Yeah. I want to make her powerful as you." Balas Syceil.

"Powerful, huh? In term of what, Syceil?"

"Hmm...Controlling her power I guess? She still make a lot of mistake. But, she's a good Warrior."

"Glad to hear that. Tomorrow, I will train her swordmanship. Of course, I will do that after she training with you." Kata Leon.

"Swordmanship? Are you serious, son?"

"I want to train her to the point that she will become one with her sword. That the highest level someone can achieve in swordmanship." Balas Leon tersenyum.

"I see. That is your decision after all and you know what better for her." Ujar Syceil.


Keesokan harinya, Leon sudah pun discharge. Dan sudah tentu tidak memberi tahu akan perkara ini kepada sesiapa dan hanya beberapa orang sahaja yang tahu.

Memandangkan Sarah sedang dilatih oleh Syceil, Leon meminta Angeline untuk menghantarnya pulang. Wanita itu hanya mampu mengeluh lalu meminta izin untuk keluar sekejap.

Leon dan Angeline menuju ke arah sebuah kereta berwarna putih namun nampak garang.

Remaja lelaki itu segera membuka pintu lalu duduk di kerusi sebelah pemandu. Angeline menghidupkan kereta dan bunyi garang mula terhasil.

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