Count 83: Goddess Interfere

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Leon terkejut melihat serangan miliknya terbatal begitu sahaja! Azumi dan Elucia segera menunduk hormat sebaik sahaja kenal akan wanita itu.

"Forgive us, Goddess Ashriel." Ujar Elucia sambil menunduk.

Ya, wanita itu adalah Dewi Masa, Ashriel. Pandangan wanita itu dingin melihat ke arah Tiamat dan Hazen.

Dia datang ke arah Elucia lalu menyentuh kepalanya. Badan Elucia segera bercahaya terang lalu dia muncul dalam bentuk manusia semula.

"You say that you're goddess? GREAT! I CAN ADD MORE SOUL!!" Ujar Leon lalu menyerang Ashriel.

"Stop it, my child." Ujar Ashriel.


Namun, Leon tumbang sebaik sahaja dahinya disentuh lembut oleh Elucia. Apa yang paling mengejutkan ialah Leon kembali dalam bentuk normal.

"Your power is one of the pieces that born from the root of the true evil. Until you master your power, I will seal your power for your sake." Ujar Ashriel lalu menyentuh dada Leon.

Satu larikma magis dengan tulisan purba muncul lalu perlahan-lahan daya kuasa Leon berkurang.

Melihat Leon yang sudah tidak sedarkan diri, Ashriel mengetap gigi sambil menggeletar. Bukan kerana kesejukan namun kerana marah.

Dia duduk melutut lalu memeluk Leon yang tidak sedarkan diri. Air mata jatuh mengalir dari pipi.

"My child. Why your fate so cruel? Why you are the one who must be burdened?" Soal Ashriel sendiri.

Hazen dan Tiamat muncul di belakang Ashriel. Wanita itu sedar akan keberadaan mereka berdua segera menyeru sebilah pedang yang amat kuat lalu melibas ke arah mereka!



Namun, libasan itu dapat ditahan dengan kemas oleh Aveline yang muncul dengan mengejut.

"Calm your head, Ashriel. Violence is not the answer." Tegur Aveline dengan tenang.

Berlaku rekahan dimensi sekali lagi akibat perlagaan bilah pedang milik Ashriel dan Aveline.

"Shut up!! Those two was here and yet, they're not taking any step to stop my child from losing his life!!"

"Just one swing without any power can make this dimension cracking. As I thought. She is one of the strongest being in this world. Ashriel The Goddess of Time. Was known as the One of the Ancient Gods and Goddesses..."

"At least hear my explanation." Ujar Hazen.

"It was Elucia's request." Sampuk Tiamat.

"Do you think I believe!?"

"It's true. It was my request." Balas Elucia.

Ashriel terdiam seketika lalu menghela nafas. Pedang yang diseru tadi hilang begitu sahaja.

"Good. Don't think on going rampage. You will turn Realm of Life into hell for a while. You don't want became like me, Aveline and Ethea, right? Three of us has turn that realm into hell because we follow our heart.." Soal Hazen tersenyum lalu datang ke arah Leon.

"First, I'm very sorry that I can't stop this child. I want to respect what Elucia request." Ucap Hazen.

"Its okay. I just can't bear what I see. Its really hurt me." Balas Ashriel.

Leon kini baring di atas paha Ashriel. Si Dewi Masa hanya mampu tersenyum kelat sambil mengusap lembut wajah Leon.

"Forgive me, Ashriel. But, I recommend you to search another child to bear your power. This child already turn into demon.."

LEON: THE TIME CONTROLLERNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ