Question for grown ass five year old

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Author: Crash?

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Author: Crash?

Author: Must've been a typo for crush

Ryoma: A crush?.... Hmmm.

Author: *gasp* Brooooo!

Ryoma; I don't think I'd have feelings for Tenko since she's one of my best friends. Himiko is a lesbian so that's also a no

Author: Drat! The only one that you can make eye level contact with!

Author: Oh wow-

Ryoma: Kaede is with my best friend so thats a no. Tsumugi is also taken.

Ryoma: Angie is too mean

Angie: I AM NOT-

Ryoma: Miu and Maki are nice but I think they're gunning for others

Miu and Maki: *blush*

Ryoma: And Kirumi...

Everyone: Yeeeees!

Ryoma: Naaaaaaaah

Kirumi wailing: AHHHHHH!-

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