Dare for Author

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Author: Wait wait wait. You want me-

Author: Us!

Author: FUCK OFF! Me, to give dating advice?

Author: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Author: I'm actually used to it-

Author: IRL with my friends, I'm like the only one, who can meet a girl without going online and can keep one

Author: I just struggle with getting one because I'm ugly as SHIAT

Author: Anyways, fuck it lets go. I'll be saying talking as though this is for the average Hetero couple, but for anyone who is a homosexual, I recommend you work out these tips as dominance related. Like (No sexist),

On average/ stereotypically, the man is the dominant one in the relationship, and the female is the one dominated. But if you have a different type of relationship where either you are in a same sex relationship or a female dominated relationship, you can either, take the advice from the dominant sexs tips or fuse them together.

Also like remember that I'm 16, so I'm not an expert-

Without further a do lets go!

Always treat her with respect

Fairly simple right. Now, some relationships can evolve sexually. She/ you might start sending nude pictures, it's happened to me before not gonna lie. However you gotta remember that you are still dealing with a lady. She can send you nudes or have you call her inappropriate names like "My little slut" or "Bad bitch" (It's happened with one of my exes)

So if that happens, you guys can talk like that, but you never treat her like that. Don't treat her like she's nothing more than a slut, she's still someone who deserves respect

Never become friends with
the homies

Ladies, I ain't gonna lie. A couple of my past relationships ended because I let my girl and my friends get to close. Either my friends were simps and they went for her, or my girl got too invested and lost interest, IT HAPPENS.

So my advice is, be friendly to your boyfriend's friends, but never become their close friend.


Keep friends separate

Following my last tip, both genders, never become close with the friends of your partner. Because, either you learn things the wrong way about your partner or that person develops feelings for you (it's happened to me and except, she would develop feelings for them).

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