Question 20 for everyone

877 19 9

Asked by Moonlightselena77 : For Everyone except Saimatsu, who would you fuck?

Author: To make things more interesting... Shuichi, Kaede are together, Himiko and Tenko are together and Rantaro and Tsumugi are together, so for you 6, pick who you would want to have a threesome with

Author: Oh and Kirumi, you cannot pick everyone and Shuichi it has to be someone in the room

Shuichi and Kirumi: FUCK

Rantaro: I would have a threesome with Tsumugi and.... Gonta!

Author: Wait, Rantaro, your Bisexual

Rantaro: Yeepers

Author: Interesting

Kaede: I would threesome with Shuichi and Miu

Author: Why Miu

Kaede: Someone's gotta fuck her, it sure as hell won't be Kokichi

Kokichi: HEY

Author: Any, How about you Ryoma

Ryoma: Oh boy... um I guess I'd choose... Maki!

Everyone: MAKI??!!

Maki: Me?! Why me?

Ryoma: I don't know, your nice

Kirumi ran off crying into the bathroom

Author: Be right back

Author enters bathroom

Author: Kirumi?

Kirumi: Sniff, yes

Author: I know it hurts but I'm guessing you would want to fuck Ryoma?


Author: Kirumi, you always expect people to love you for your body, maybe Ryoma wants you for your personality

Author leaves bathroom and heads back to answering room

Author: Well I'm sure it's not a shock but Kirumi said Ryoma

Un surprised they continued

Angie and Kiyo: The persons we marry

Author: So each other?

Angie and Kiyo: *Blush*

Tenko: I'm Lesbian but I wouldn't mind trying to do a guy, if I had to pick, well... Kokichi, cause he's single

Miu was shocked

Miu: I-I'd want to do.... MYSELF

Author: Hmmm, Valid.... Ok I'll accept it

Kokichi had s frown on his face

Gonta: Hmmm I'm aesexual so maybe for a girl, Kirumi and a guy Rantaro

Author: But Gonta before chapter 9, you fucked girls all the time?

Gonta: I understand your point, but I want to try a woman who is as... er experienced as Kirumi

Author: Makes sense

Kokichi: Sigh* Doesn't matter

Exists room

Author: Ah fuck him, NEXT

Kaito: Maki, I guess she my sort of girlfriend

Maki whisperd/Whimpered to herself

Maki: Sort of...

Tsumugi: I'd threesome with.... Shuichi! He's a good friend

Kaede had been aiming for her head with a gun

Author Pulls out Spray bottle and sprayed her with water



Kaede scurried out of the room

Keebo: A phone charger fucks me sooo


Himiko: Im gay as fuck so I'd threesome with Tenko and maki! But if it had to be with a boy, I'm choosing Shuichi

Kaede grabs shot gun and aims for Himikos head

Snapping his funger the author made Kaedes Shot Gun disappear

Kaede: SHIT

Maki: I'd do..... Kaito....

Author: I'm shocked😒

Author: Alright Shuichi end off this fuckery

Shuichi: I'd threesome with Two Kaedes

Author: She threatened you didn't she?

Shuichi: Help me


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