Question for the V3 cast

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Rantaro: Money for Avocados

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Rantaro: Money for Avocados

Kaede: Shuichi's cap

Ryoma: The validation of my peers


Tenko: M-My health?

Author: LAAAAME-

Angie and Kiyo: *about to answer*

Author: Shut up

Miu: Bold of you to assume I have anything worth having me want to live

Gonta: My one and only friend. My brain

Kokichi: Lube

Kiyo: Shamful


Author: I'm getting Tori

Kaito: No wait-

Tsumugi: Hentai

Keebo: My charging cable

Himiko: Adrenaline

Maki: Hugs!

Shuichi: My cap that I still can't find...

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