Dare for Tenko

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Tenko: Ora? Ora? Punch?

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Tenko: Ora? Ora? Punch?

Author: This bitch never watched JoJo-

Kaito: Shaaaaame!

Gonta: Revolting

Tori: Shit makes me weep

Author: Basically, punch Kokichi in the face repeatedly as he sleeps

Tenko: What? Why??!! I don't want to punch anyone!

Author: Too bad

Himiko: Such a dick-


Tenko: *sneaks into Kokichi's room as he sleeps*

Tenko over an ear piece communicator: Do I really reeeeaally have to do this-

Author: YES!

Tenko: *squeals as she punches Kokichi by accident with all of her strength*

Kokichi: *giggles in his sleep* Hehehe, that tickles butler

Author: This is just sad-

Himiko: Time for us to work out! If you know what I mean~

Author:.... Y'all nasty-


Kokichi woke up the next morning feeling a tingly sensation on his cheek.

Kokichi: That felt nice

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