Dare for Kiyo and Angie

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Author: Aw shit

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Author: Aw shit

Author: Here we go again


Kirumi eagerly: *kicks down door* I heard Ryoma was requesting a lap dance?!

Kiyo:... *looks at Angie*

Angie:... *looks at Kiyo and nods*

Kiyo and Angie: *T-Pose and back Kirumi into the wall*

Kirumi: W-what are you doing?

Kiyo and Angie chanting: We love god! We love god! We love god! We love god!

Kirumi: *screams*


Author: Should we... stop them?

Author: Pfffft naaaaaaaaaaaaaah


Kirumi: *huddles in fettle position remembering the events*

Kaede: Kirumi! Ryoma said he's hor-

Kirumi: *eagerly runs downstairs already back to her antics*

Kaede: Horrendously hungry because the Authors won't feed us...

Rantaro: *dies again*

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