"That would be the day I was born."

"Tell me." He insisted.

"I don't celebrate my birthday okay, let's leave it at that." I bit my bottom lip teasingly and peppered soft kisses from his jaw to his neck, his hands tightened around my waist.

"Not that I object to what you're doing, but you are answering my question." Chris growled, as he tilted my head and meshed his lips to mine, I squeaked in suprise and cupped his stubbly cheek, trying to meet his lips, the kiss started out soft but soon turned demanding. Warmth spread all around my body as he kissed my neck, I curled my toes and a moan slipped out of my mouth as he sucked on my neck, I grabbed his hair when his hands stroked my bare waist and groaned into his mouth as my hips pressed against his.

"Stop." I whispered breathing heavily as he went back to kissing my neck, confused eyes, hair rumpled, lips swollen he registered my words and pressed his forehead to mine and sighed deeply.

Chris kissed the top of my head and questioned "Why dont you celebrate your birthday?"

"Really." I shoved his shoulder "That didn't distract you."

"I have a one track mind."

"Sure you do." I scoffed.

"Tell me."

"What if I say no?"

"Then I won't tell you about that?"

"What does that mean?" I asked warily.

"I'm not telling you." He chuckled opening a packet of nachos.

"The last birthday I celebrated was when I was 12." I admitted hesitantly tugging on my fingers.

"What happened?" He asked pulling me to his side.

"As usual, Dad didn't have time to pull his head out if his ass, or bother remembering my birthday. Dave's parents were taking me out to dinner so I didn't care much. Lily didn't like that, and tatteld to Nana. And when Nanna gets mad, everyone should be scared. She marched upto Dad, dragged him by the ear, and made him organise a party, it was such a nice day. Next year Nanna passed away and I didn't bother celebrating again." I admitted propping my chin on my hands and smiling sadly.

"When is your birthday?" Chris questioned, tracing small circles on the back of my neck.

"Promise not to make a big deal out of it." I bargained, not ready to back down on anything.

"You can't ask me that." He narrowed his eyes at me.

"It's been years since I'm ignoring my birthday, I go to work normally, I spend some time in the orphanage and that's it. Trying to celebrate my birthday will be weird now. Don't make any plans." I wrapped my arms around his neck, sweetly pecking his lips.

"What if I want to?" He protested kissing the tip of my nose. "How does Dave ignore it?"

"The bastard doens't, last year he left a brochure for yearly supply of luxury chocolate, before that he left a handbag in the backseat of my car. He pretends nothing happened and I pretend he didn't do anything." It was typical of my annoying best friend to find loopholes in everything, especially if said loophole drives me crazy.

"When is your birthday?"

"Tommorrow." I admitted sheepishly.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, and your not throwing me a party or cancelling your trip. You will go attend your business conference, and I will go to work." I specified wagging my finger threatingly.

"We will see." Chris shrugged hoisting me over his shoulder, and marched into his room.

"You're staying the night." He announced when I smacked my hands against his back, laughing loudly.

"Am I, when did I agree on that?" I laughed at his arrogant assumption of me ever listening to him.

"Just now."

"I don't remember." I snarked.

"You're getting old." The annoying human had the audacity to chuckle.

"Take that back." I demanded eyes narrowed.

"Always fun to bicker with you." Chris admitted before he crashed his lips against mine.


"Mom I swear I didn't put a spider in Lily's bag." I mumbled pulling the blanket over my head, it was so warm, and I was so sleepy, and so hard to get up, resisting the urge to snarl at the person waking me up, I pulled a pillow over my head.

"I'm not your mom."

"Dad I swear I didn't scribble buttface on your forehead, I don't even know where the marker is." I lied through my teeth, that particular day was so worth being grounded.

"I'm not your Dad."

"And I'm not Dave."

"Get up."


"I'm telling you for the last time. Get up."

"Then I'll eat cake by myself." Chris smirked at me over his shoulder, and marched out laughing.

Cake, he said Cake right. Now I was wide awake, quickly brushing my teeth and pulling his tshirt over my shorts I walked towards the kitchen.

"I thought I specified no party." I sniffed, widely looking for people to jump up at me.

"I didn't throw a party. But if you want one..." Chris trailed off, trying not to laugh at my widened eyes.

"I don't want a party."

"That's why I ordered a cake, and brought you a gift. You can complain, but I'm not budging on the topic." He lit the candles on the chocolate cake and smiled at me.

"Happy Birthday, love."

"Thank you." I smiled when he brought a piece of cake to my lips.

"I'm not ignoring your birthday, ever. But if you don't want to celebrate we can have cake and get drunk together, is that good?" Chris questioned tying his tie around his neck.

"Yes." I smiled, I didn't want a big fuss on my birthday, a gift sounded nice and cake sounded even better. I have sense not to argue on this.

"I'll see you in a week." I clutched his tie and pulled him down to my height, pressing a long kiss to his lips.

"Bye." Chris kissed the top of my head and marched out pretending not to notice my stupid grin.

No matter how busy a person is, if they care, they will always make time for you– unknown.

Hey guys, Guess what? I'm still alive, though if I see another assignment or exam my thoughts will change quickly.

I hope you you liked the chapter, I'll edit this in sometime, so please ignore any mistakes.

Next bonus chapter will be upated Wednesday maybe, I am getting many requests for Gwen and Chris with their kids, so that will be the next one.

Dave's story will take some more time, so don't curse me.

Stay home and take care
Until then.

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