• Two •

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A few days after Ian got home things started to feel normal again, except for the fact Fiona left awhile ago and Lip was back at home since he dropped out of college. Which honestly was helpful for Ian because the two have always been best friends.

Another change that was the fact Lip had a baby now named Freddie and he wasn't really even with Tami, Fred's mom. It was really on and off with them.

"Morning." Lip looked up and saw Debbie walking past the boys room. "Morning Debs. Where's Franny?"

"At the park with Carl and Liam." He nods and watches her continue on walking down the stairs.

He slowly climbed out of his bed to grab his clothes and a towel to head to the shower. He turned the water on and waited a few minutes to get in.

"Aw fuck!" He yelled slightly. "You good Lip?" It was Debbie.

"Yeah, just the water is cold as shit for some reason. Who already showered?"
"I did, so did Liam, and maybe Carl or Ian."

Lip sighed as he got out and dried off. It was too early for a cold shower. He walked to Ian's room and over heard is conversation with someone one on the phone.

"Yeah, I'll let you know about Mickey after his court date tomorrow." Lip couldn't make out what the girl said, but could here Ian. "Yeah don't worry, I'll make sure you don't see him more than necessary."

"Yeah I know M, it's super weird seeing him with a kid now." Lip realized they were talking about him. "I love you too, see you once Mickey gets out. Bye Mandy."

Lip over heard the name, Mandy. There's no way it was the Mandy who's heart got broken over him. He always felt awful about how he treated her but he knew it was too late to do anything about it.

He decided to walk in and ask Ian what that was all about. "Why were you talking to Mandy?"

"How would you know that?" Ian said looking up to Lip. "I heard you say her name when I was walking by." "Sure" They both knew Lip was lying about it but Ian wasn't upset about it.

There was a few moments of silence. "So how is she?" Lip asked. Wondering how long they've been talking again. Cause Lip hasn't seen her since the day she walked out of his house after he came home from a college party.

"Mandy?" "Who else dipshit?" Ian rolled his eyes while watching his brother start to roll two joints.

"She's doing alright. Been traveling things, making something of herself. She's a writer now." Ian chuckled a little bit.

"No shit? What type of stuff does she write?"

"Mainly poetry, some short stories about the south side... sometimes kinky shit."

Lip smiled thinking about how it sounds like Mandy, well at least the Mandy he used to be close to. "You said see her soon? What does that mean?"

"Well Mickey should be getting out soon, and after she's moving back here to get a place with Mickey and maybe me."

"You're moving in with two Milkovich's? Good luck." They both laughed at that, because the truth was Ian probably would need the luck with all the fighting thats bound to happen between the two sibilants.

"Have you talked to her since she said she loved you Lip?" Regret washed over Lip's body. He knew he messed up really badly after that night ended.

"No, I haven't." He mumbled.

"Well don't." Lip looked at Ian and got mad after what he said, but before he could really say of something to say he turned away and realized Ian was right.

"I know, but why? What has she said to you?"

"She just doesn't want to see you or talk, respect that." Lip just nodded and slowly walked back to his bed and pulled out his phone, then sat down.

He started scrolling through all the photos on his camera until he got to the point where he met Mandy. He selected all the photos of them together into an album.

He spent awhile scrolling through and looking at all of them. While he wasn't sure what to say, and he knew it wasn't a good idea, he went to his messages.

He looked up Mandy's number and started typing out his message. It first started out with 'Mandy, how have you been...' then 'I hope you're doing well..' then he finally settled on starting with 'Mrs. Mandy Milkovich..'

From Lip:
Mrs. Mandy Milkovich, I'm so so sorry. I know that doesn't make up for anything. But if you're coming back I want to see you and just talk... I miss you :/

After hitting the send button he put his phone down and just laid there, waiting. He really didn't there was a chance she'd text back, but still, he really did hope.

Mistaken Love { Mandy Milkovich & Lip Gallagher }Where stories live. Discover now