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"Okay, Ink you start first." Dream pointed at ink as if this was some sort of secret meeting. "What do you know?" Ink stared blankly before simply replying with the unenviable truth. "Error's a dick and everything you told me over the phone."

"Language, ink." Dream hissed sending a soft glare towards the artist. His boney pointer finger landed on blue next. "Blue, go." After shallowing his third muffin and choking on it (as always) he answered with a shrug. "I don't know, but this food is good."

"Sure is~" Ink hummed popping the fifth cracker into his mouth. "You-" dream pointed at cross who didn't show a sign of life in him "-go." Cross turned his head to look at blue and ink, slowly, and softly spoke to them as if Dream hadn't existed. "Nightmare hates me now, and from the sound of it we're going to be talking about him a lot so this is going to be great."

"Thank you, always as you all have heard we are going to be talking about my brother. It may come to be a shocker for you all that he has recently figured out that ink is soulless-" "-not really-" "-and... we will be trying to figure out how to convince him otherwise before the rumors spread-" "-they already have-" "-but if we can't convince him then we need to make sure he stays quiet-" "-doubt it-" "Ink quit that now before I put you in the timeout corner!"

Ink rolled his eyes and sighed loudly, being dramatic as always. "Face it dream my life is a huge mess right now, rumors are all over the school and there's about to be a ass load more. I failed terribly in my try outs and may be kicked out of theater club because it's at high demand for more people. I even have to live with someone who hates my guts for no other reason then, nothing, AND steals my stuff on a daily basis. So while your at it can you throw me out the window too? Please and thank you." 

Dream frowned, but never felt sad nor worry. "That's why we're here, we can talk out all of our problems then it will be good as new!" The golden optimist returned with a new grin. "First on the list is quite obviously the nightmare issue, what can we do about him?" Blue raised his hand excitedly waving it around left and right. "Yes blue?"  "Wake up before him and lock him in his room so he can never get out and tell anyone!"

Dream was stunned and more down right confused of blues answer. "Sure...? Uh, ink you got anything?" Ink glanced, or more of glared at Dream. "Oh yes, the soulless monster with an iq of -3 has an answer. Kill that mother fucker."


"You got anything better?" He protest having the hiss of a snake. "Yes, yes I actually do. We don't need to hurt my brother in anyway, just talking to him should do the trick." "Or we could just, tell a teacher? Like normal people?" Cross chimed in having a blank stare. Dream shook his head no and looked down. "We can't just tell a teacher they'll get to suspicious over us." "Over...?" "Over what the rumors are." Cross slightly nodded indicating he knew what they meant.

"Well talking isn't going to do much ether, you said yourself nightmare can't really love so how would he come to terms with you?" Ink butted in still being salty as ever, ether from error or the crackers. "He will." "And what if he doesn't?"

Dream frowned as ink questioned the trust in nightmare. "If he doesn't... then we could possibly do a trade?" "What kind?" Blue cutter in before anyone else could. "Well my brother doesn't like very much things except for bringing misery to others... he likes dark chocolate" ink almost wanted to laugh at that answer. "That's IT do you think we can keep him shut with some chocolate??" Ink spat with venom in his voice.

"Don't underestimate the chocolate." Cross smirked pulling out a bar, carefully unraveling it and taking a chunk out with his teeth. "Fine, you know what? We can try it but when his own brother fails then I'll be laughing at my own misery." Dream sighed leaning back against the wall the bee was pushed too. "How about we just skip this one for now and move onto the next question okay?" It was a weak attempt but they were all on board not to have a fight about this.

Idiot one, and idiot twoWhere stories live. Discover now