Lossing and learning

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Scribbled after scribbled after scribbled papers, all thrown to the ground in a bum boggling mess. The black boned one throw his journal to the ground, walking around in circles till his feet stopped at the edge of his bed. He got on his hands and knees desperately looking under his dusty bed in hopes o find it.

He growled annoyed and impatient when all he saw was some dust and an old doll he had made a while back. "Where the hell is it?" He muttered under his breath getting back to his feet assuming the worst had happened.

A low growl cloud be heard from Error as he opened and slammed his dresser drawers to find his oh so precious picture. Geno, who ha dust came in took notice quite quickly of error's frustrated gestures taking it as a sign to ether help or leave. Seeing how his temper was bad enough to get physical he sighed and shut the door letting Error be a rapid tornado till he cools off.

Though it was odd in Geno's opinion, it was desperation that caused this out burst from Error, not a person for once. This gave him somewhat of an calmer mind set knowing that he wasn't going to start a fight with anyone, but he knew nothing had been interesting in his room enough for Error to he fussing over like that.

It must have been something else, something of greater value to Error but the only thing that could come to mind was one of error's dolls or the picture, the only picture, of his mother. He could hear even from the bottom of the steps error's groans and screeches for his missing item.

When he reached the bottom he saw ink coming through the back door, which he usually done with no intention of telling Geno way his habits were so odd. Ink could obviously hear the loud banging of the tornado up stairs, and whined quietly as he walked over to Geno.

"What happened?" He asked with a tilt of his head as he placed down the item in his hand, which had been a beat up backpack. Geno looked up the stairs frowning as he heard errors frantic breathing even from way down the stairs. "He lost something." Geno muttered hugging his arms.

Ink sat on the couch falling back with no hesitation letting his back bounce on the couch for a bit before staying in place. "What was it?" Geno just shrugged walking around the cough to sit next to inks head, the blood sinking through quicker with his worry. Ink took notice, but didn't say much of it.

Soon they both had heard the loud storm stomping his way down stairs with a shaky sigh arching through his 'lips'. He made his way around to the front of the old couch narrowing his eyes at the two. His face was heated with a sort of blue tint as if he was about to cry. Geno shown more empathy then inks fake emotions could.

"WhErE iS IT?" His glitch voice was getting to him, in fact his whole body was swelling up with annoying glitches and pop up adds like an 1990s style computer. "Where is what?"

Ink was the first to question having his legs crossed gayly and his hands folded nicely in his lap. Error narrowed his eyes into inks mis- shapes pupils. "YOu HaVe It DoN't YoU? YOu LiTtLe ScUm-" Geno cut him off before his temper could continue farther. "Is it your picture?" Geno asked in a worried yet somehow judgmental way as if they were all on trial.

Error didn't respond, just nodded and stared down as ink was felt to be confused from the brother... again. "Well were have you checked?" He had a soft voice this time trying to be reasonable with Error only to be snapped back at. Error threw his arms into the air and yelled in a desperate and torn apart voice. "EvErywHerE!"

The older didn't blink an eye seeing that his brother was really distraught over the ordeal. Ink shifted nervously in his spot moving one leg over the other after sitting for to long his gaze was set downward to the dust bunny. Error still kept an eye ink seeing his body language was quite obvious. "YOu!"

Idiot one, and idiot twoWhere stories live. Discover now