Chapter 26

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The door slowly opens and I can see Anna peeking.

"What?" I groan.

"Do you wanna go for a walk?" Anna looks at me with concern.

"Can you leave me alone please?" I say as my eyes starts to water.

"You've been here the whole day, Casey I'm worried about you" She sigh.

"worry about yourself! Go hang out with Finneas" I take a deep breath and cover myself with a blanket.

"Casey..." Anna calls my name.

"Just go please" I sigh as I continue to cry.

I take my phone out and stare at the picture of Brixton.

How can a guy as perfect as him hurt me?

You see that's the thing...

You don't actually see people's flaws when you're in love with them.

And yet you act like you're shocked when it hits you.

When the truth is everything was already handed to you and you just ignore it, because you love them.

Sucks right?

The very person who gives you happiness are the very person who hurts you the most.

I just lay in bed all day.

I'm too sad to walk.

I'm too sad to talk to anyone.

I'm too sad to eat.

I'm too sad to sit.

I'm too sad to smile.

I'm too sad to pretend I'm fine.

I'm just plainly sad.

Just thinking that I'm sad now is making me even more sad.

Fuck my life.

Suddenly I hear a knock on the door.

"It's time to eat Cai" Mom smile as she enters the room.

"I don't want to eat mom" I sigh.

"what happened last night Cai?" mom asks.

"Nothing happened last night mom" I try to smile.

"Honey, I'm your mom... You can't bullshit me" She smile which makes me chuckle.

"It's complicated mom... You won't understand" I sigh.

"Try me" She winks at me as she slowly closes the door and walk towards me.

"Well... Emma and Brixton are pretending to be together to make me jealous, to mess me up, to hurt me" I keep myself from crying.

"They did that?" She asks.

"Yeah" I sigh.

"If you have feelings with Emma of course that will probably crush you" Mom sigh.

"It killed me mom" I try to smile.

"I'm so sorry you had to experience that hon" Mom looks at me and smile.

"But not because I'm in love with Emma" I sigh.

"Then what is it Cai? The act they pulled would just hurt you if you have feelings for Emma" Mom smile.

"Because I'm in love with Brixton" I sigh.

Mom looks at me in shock.

"Mom please say something before I regret everything I said" I try to smile.
"You've been carrying this a secret the whole time?" Mom's eyes starts to water.

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