Chapter 16

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"Casey!! Let's go!!" I can hear Anna shout from downstairs.

"I'm coming!!" I shout back.

I wear a rainbow shirt and a white jeans and red sneakers.

Maybe this outfit is enough for the party.

I quickly run downstairs and see Jordan and Anna smiling at me.

And they both look fancy as fuck.

Jordan is wearing a gray polo that was buttoned down at the collar and he roll his sleeves an inch.

Anna is wearing a gold shiny dress.

"Coz you're gonna wear that?" Jordan ask.

"I don't want to look fancy!" I frown.

"Really Nigga? Come on I'll help you change" Jordan smile as he walk towards me and walk inside my room.
He goes through my closet and he chooses some polos for me.

"Jordan can I ask you a question?" I smile at Jordan.

"Yeah sure" He chuckle.

"You're half black right?" I ask.

"Damn yeah I am" He smile proudly.

"So you can't really say the full N word can you?" I ask.

"Why not?" He turns to face me and hand me a black polo.

"Because you're just half" I smile.

"Are you saying I can't say the full N word because I'm not full black? Maybe? Maybe not!" Jordan smile.

"I don't want to sound racist just I need you to educate me about that stuff" I smile awkwardly 

"It's not about the word Casey, it's about.. it's about how it meant and where it is from. People use that word back then to downgrade black people. or as a sign of slavery. Imagine using it on a black person now" Jordan sigh.

"I'm sorry" I sigh.

"Hey! You didn't do anything! At least you're open about it" He smile.

"I am open to everything Jordan. I'm not a god! I've got so much to learn" I smile.

"Good! Now wear that polo and let's go party!" Jordan smile.

I wear the polo and we both walk directly downstairs.

Mom is pretty chill going out with Jordan and Anna.

Because they're my cousins so of course mom just allowed me to go with them.

Jordan has a black BMW car and Anna is more than excited to be riding it.

"Woah This is so expensive Jordan!" Anna squeal.

"Anna relax it's just a car. A shiny one" I smile.

Jordan shakes his head and smile.

"Sulod na!" Jordan say with his perfect Cebuano accent.

It means "Get inside"

"Yeah, I totally forgot you're half Filipino too" I chuckle.

"I'm not even half black, just a quarter" He smile.

"Who cares about breaking our races! We're all humans!" Anna smile.

Anna and I get inside the car.

I sit on the front passenger seat next to Jordan while Anna sits at the back.

"I have to warn you some rich students at the club are kinda entitled and racist so yeah" Jordan smile as he enter the car.

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