Chapter 3

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What happened last night is gonna haunt me forever.

Everyone is staring at me as I walk by the hallway.

Furthermore, I'm also scared because any minute a jock can jump and attack me and it's all gonna be my fault.

I walk towards my locker and Emma is there waiting for me.

"Wow you do not look good today" Emma jokes.

"HAHA," I fake a laugh and roll my eyes.

"Casey it's gonna be fine! Brixton is not mad he's rich he can pay for that repair" She chuckled.

"Who the fuck is Brixton??" I ask.

"Oh.. The football player whose car you just drove through??" Emma sigh.
"Oh Fuck!!" I let out a loud sigh.

"Well, you shouldn't have driven drunk" Emma shakes her head.

"Emma, please don't make me feel worse than I already feel" I sigh.

I open my locker and take my math and science book.

"you should have seen yourself fly" She chuckles.

"Brixton could've punched me! Or maybe he did and I can't remember" I sigh.

"Well, you're lucky he didn't" Emma sigh.

"Can you please leave me alone" I sigh as I close the locker.

Suddenly I see Brixton standing by his locker getting his books.

I take a deep breath and swallow my pride as I walk slowly towards him.

He closes his locker and is a little shocked as he sees me leaning against his locker.

"Hi! Uhm... Brixton right?? You probably don't know me but" I take a deep breath.

"I know who you are Barnhardt" He frowns as he stares at me.

"Yeah, I'm also the one that crashes my bike to your car" I take a deep breath.

"Yeah! My dad grounded me for messing up with his car thank you so much" He rolled his eyes.

I look up at him cause he's like taller than me.

Must be my Filipino genetics' fault I'm so short.

"I am so sorry" I look at him.

"What do you want??" He stares at me.

I am feeling so scared right now especially seeing the rage in his eyes.

I can tell he's going to punch me.

"I just want to tell you I'm so sorry" I sigh.

"You think your sorry is gonna make it all better?? You think it's gonna pay for the car's damage?? Do you think my Dad's gonna unground me for it?? I think the fuck not" He hit his locker may be out of rage and walks away from me.

Shit! Fuck!He's grounded because of me!! His dad probably hates him because of me.

Because the only thing inside my head is feeling guilty of what is happening to Brixton right now because of me, I have to make it up to him.

All I could think of is so many ways to say sorry.

I grab my Notebook and tear a piece of paper and write something to it.

"Meet me at the Library at lunch" I take a deep breath as I fold the paper and slip it inside Brixton's locker.

I look around to make sure no one saw me slipping something inside Brixton's locker.

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