Chapter 25

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I hold Carter's hand as we enter the school building.

And Carter's right, everyone is looking at us.

I squeeze Carter's hand and he looks at me and smile.

"Relax Casey" Carter smile.

We enter the school gym and everyone is already dancing.

And the I see Brixton dancing with Emma and he's really having a good time.

I stare at him and appreciate how handsome he is wearing that navy blue suit.

And it really matches his eyes which makes him even more good looking.

And that smile always gets me! like what the fuck?!

He looks at me and he suddenly stops dancing.

I smile as I walk towards them.

"Hey guys!" I smile at them.

Emma turns around and smile and she sees me.

"Casey! You look so handsome!" Emma squeals.

"Thanks Emma!" I smile at her.

"We should at least have one dance!" Emma smile.

"I can arrange that" I chuckle.

I look at Brixton who is still staring at me.

"Hey" I smile at him.

"Uhm.. Uh.. Hi.. Uhm" Brixton starts to stutter but he won't take his eyes off me.

"What's the matter Brixton? you seem speechless" Emma asks.

"Well.. Uhm" Brixton looks at me in awe.

"Biiitttccchhh!!" Emma squeals as she sees Carter.

She run towards him and hug him tight.

I smile and look back Brixton who's still staring at me.

"Stop looking at me... It's creepy" I smile.

"You're so handsome! I'm... Uhm... I have no words to describe how perfect you are" Brixton smile.

"Thanks" I blush.

"Okay, it's time for the slow dance!!" The host announces.

Emma and Carter walk towards the dance floor and I think they're partnering up.

"Can I have this dance?" Brixton smile as he offers his hand.

"Are you sure? I mean there are a lot people watching" I stare at him.

"Fuck them... Besides, it's just a dance" He smile.

"What about Emma?" I ask.

"Emma's with Carter... As I've said, it's just a dance" Brixton smile.

I smile at him and take his hand and he leads me to the center of the dance floor.

The music starts to play and it's True Love by Jordan Fisher.

"I love this song" I smile at Brixton.

We face each other and I look at his eyes as I move closer to him.

I wrap my arms around his shoulder and he wraps his arms around my waist.

Brixton smile at me as we start sway slowly.

I stare at him as I listen to the lyrics of the music.

If I could do it all over
Maybe I'd do it different
Maybe I wouldn't be here
In this position

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