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"Is everybody ready to go?" my dad asks, getting the rest of the bags. I nod and turn around looking at the stairs. I need to go and see her. Jack shakes his head at me but I ignore him and run up to her room.

I take a deep breath before gaining the courage to knock. "Come in" she says. Slowly, I open the door, seeing her sat by the piano. "Hey Tate, I...erm, I'm about to leave for the airport" I say nervously. She looks away from me and shakes her head.

"Leave then, I don't want a goodbye" she exclaims. I sigh to myself and nod before leaving, not bothering shutting the door. I head straight outside and sit in the car whilst my mom is talking to Tanja. I look up at the top windows of the house seeing Tate stood there, watching. I shove my earphones in and lean my head back in the seat.

My dad starts the car and we left.

"You alright honey?" my mom asks me, looking in the mirror in the front of the car. "Yep" I lie, before going on my phone, deciding to message my best friend.

Me: hey, are you back in NJ?

'Emilia is typing'

Emilia: I am yeah, are you?

Me: just about to catch my flight, you were right about Tate, but it didn't end up working out.

'Emilia is typing'

Emilia: are you ok b?

Me: nope, not one bit.

Emilia: when you get back, come over we will have a chat. my girlfriend isn't here till tomorrow so it will just be us.

Me: i'll be there soon.


This is my second day back in New Jersey, I haven't been home yet. Emilia has let me stay at her apartment for a bit, to help distract me. Her girlfriend has just arrived tonight so we are having pizza and watching a movie. I didn't really want to be a third wheel but they said they love me being here.

Emilia's girlfriend Kourtney finishes ordering the food and now we are currently scrolling through netflix finding things to watch. A notification comes through turning everyones attention to me. "what is it Em?" I ask the girl next to me.

"Tate posted a video on youtube" she says sighing. I take a deep breath and click on the notification opening it.

The video begins playing and i'm instantly speechless. She looks exhausted like she hasn't slept at all and I hate to think that its because of me. Emilia holds onto my hand, watching me as I stare at Tate.

I lock my phone and put it down next to me. "Erm, have we found a film" I ask trying to take my mind off it. Emilia kisses the side of my head and continues going through netflix. "Lets just watch stranger things" Kourtney says and we both nod agreement.

one day. [tate mcrae]Where stories live. Discover now