Chapter Seventeen: Serenity

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The sun glowed through the window as it illuminated the metal frame of the window. Kiana began to awaken, slowly opening her eyes to adjust to the light. She was so grateful to wake up in a comfortable bed - complete with its own luxurious bedding! The room was like an oasis amongst the destruction.

Suddenly, Kiana's eyes fell on the wardrobe as she excitedly jumped out of bed to investigate it. She flung open the door to find beautiful blouses, skirts, shoes - and even jewellery! All these treasures had just been sitting here waiting to be discovered.

She hastily searched for something to wear before settling on a knitted turtle neck top and pencil skirt; unfortunately the shoes were all heels. Kiana was disappointed at the thought of having to spoil the outfit with ugly boots before her face lit up at an idea. She hurriedly made her way to the dresser and searched the drawers. Her eyes quicky scanned the contents before settling on an item. She let out a sigh of relief before producing a needle and spool of thread - this could work.

She returned to the wardrobe and picked out a hanger with a long skirt that came down to her ankles. The fabric was tougher wearing at least. Even in her predicament, and a post-apocalyptic world, she was going to damn well make sure she looked good. So for the next hour, Kiana sat patiently turning the skirt into a pair of trousers. The resulting trousers were slim fitting and practical; much better than a restricting pencil skirt. It was also comforting to have something that was more akin to her own time period. Even if that was just a piece of clothing.

Kiana let out a small sigh of relief and scratched her head before realising her hair was beginning to get matted. Her eyes fell on the dresser where she spotted a beautiful ornate hairbrush. Even though she knew it had been used by the room's previous occupant she gladly brushed her hair with it. Her hair was quite long and it was probably more sensible to tie it up so she took a hair tie from the dresser and put her hair up in a ponytail. She looked at herself in the mirror and for the first time since she got here, she felt quite good. The turtle neck, trousers, military boots and ponytail definitely made her feel more like Lara Croft to be honest. And it was quite empowering.

She was snapped from her thoughts as Richtofen burst in through the door without knocking.

"Goodness sake, Richtofen, do you no know how to knock?" Kiana cringed a bit at how gruff and Scottish she sounded as she said that.

"I zhought I heard jou vere up", Richtofen replied calmly, completely disregarding her question.

"And how the hell would you know that?" Kiana raised an eyebrow.

"I had been shtanding outside zhe door for zhe past hour trying to listen for signs of life", Richtofen explained.

Kiana laughed but it was quickly gone before realising how creepy that was.

"You do realise you could've knocked...", Kiana replied in disbelief at how someone so intelligent could overlook this.

Richtofen narrowed his eyes.

"I see jou have obtained some...", he paused as he looked her up and down before looking back at her face.

" clozhing."

He was clearly bewildered as to how Kiana was no longer in the soldier's uniform she had been given. So she quietly gestured towards the wardrobe as Richtofen swivelled around to look.

"Ahhh, I shee! Nozhing from zhis time vas good enough for jou zhen? Do all vomen vear such tight fitting clothes in jour time?" He seemed horrified that frumpy was not still in fashion in 2020.

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