Chapter Twenty-Four: Two Sides Of The Same Coin

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Primis leaned forward in his chair as he listened intently to every word I said. To my surprise, he even managed to finish some of my sentences like he really was there. Once he was all caught up, I breathed a small sigh before getting up. Primis slowly sat back in his chair and smirked with a small grin.

"Jou do know mein ozher self is attracted to jou", he stated.

I had gotten up to get a glass of water after all that talking and had been in the process of taking a drink when he said it. My eyes widened as the water caught in my throat which subsequently caused me to end up spraying it back out over the tiled sink. With some effort, I turned to him and put a thumb up when he asked if I was alright.

"Zhis must be vhy I am feeling zhe same attraction... aside from the fact I'd feel it regardless", he grinned at the latter.

Honestly, that would hav been so exciting to hear if it did not have the implications for Richtofen attached to it. And the thought of him washed away any butterflies Primis' statement gave me.

"Ve could use zhis to our advantage!" He exclaimed as he suddenly sat forward again.

I knew where this was leading so I turned around and stopped him there.

"Nope, just nope. I don't like where this is going so we're going to call it a night now", I said before turning to leave.

"It may just shtop him from carrying out his grand scheme, jou know. Und I know how much it vould hurt jou to shee how he ends up if he's shuccessful", Primis added.

I stopped in my tracks and felt the same pit in my stomach.

His words reverberated through my very being.

"And do you want to know how that ends up for you and your boys?" I asked sharply.

I turned to face Primis who now looked uncomfortable at my subsequent response. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"Hmph, I thought so. It's not just his life I care about", I said before leaving through the canteen door and heading for the stage.

Primis just sat there clearly disturbed by the thought as I left him alone to ponder it.

After a few minutes, I had finally made my way through to the dressing room before I heard a faint sound and stopped. I looked around behind me but no one was there. I felt a shiver run up my spine before I composed myself and held my ground. I knew it had to be Richtofen and I felt myself becoming increasingly annoyed at his childish behaviour.

"Look, Doc. Can you stop skulking around for one minute and just come out the shadows? It's downright creepy. I'm small, tired and grumpy right now", I called out firmly.

I waited a few minutes before realising no one was going to emerge; so I let out a sigh and slumped my shoulders.

"Suit yourself", I called out into the night before resuming my journey to the stage.

I managed to make it over to the sofas without incident and chose one of the last two unoccupied ones and laid down. Everyone was asleep and I looked forward to doing the same. I wrapped myself up in my blanket and cosied in for the night. My muscles ached with fatigue from the day's work as I tried to find a comfortable position. I hadlonged for this well deserved rest and within a few seconds I was fast asleep. But sadly, my sleep was to be disturbed by another visitor.

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