(54) Closed Chapter

Start from the beginning

"So if nothing happened last night why were police so deep?" I questioned going back to the topic that he just tried to brush over.

Jon looks over at me and then back at his food shaking his head. "I swear nothing gets passed your ass"

"What you do to him?"


"So why your hands all scrapped up" I asked looking at his knuckles that were all scrapped and bruised up. "You need to put some ice on that right hand you already broke that shit before"


"So he's good?"  I asked raising an eyebrow at him.

"Of course not. I fucked his ass up"

"So you finally listened to me for once and didn't kill him"

"He wasn't dead when we left him"

"Hey that's good enough for me. Gotta take some baby steps" I chuckled shaking my head "So what's up with y'all? Is that chapter closed? Is he gonna try and come after you? Like what's up?"

"It's done. He know I could've killed him right then and there but I spared him his life"

"Okay good. We gotta get rid of this negative energy that's over us. We got too much to lose, we got a kid, we're about to get married in a couple of months. I'm not saying shit needs to be perfect, but shit needs to be perfect"

"I feel you. I'm done feeding into bullshit. If it ain't making me no money it ain't getting my energy"

"Periodt" I said. Jon's phone vibrated on the table and he glances down at it.

"Journee's up"

"K" I stuffed a piece of bacon in my mouth before hopping down from the bar stool. I went upstairs to her bedroom and she was standing up in her crib waiting for somebody to get her out.

"Good morning munchkin" I greet her turning on the bedroom light. A smile instantly appeared on her face and she put her arms up ready for me to pick her up. I picked her up from her crib and walked over to her changing table. Before I laid her down I made sure everything was within arms reach cause she likes to squirm around. I changed her diaper before going downstairs.

"Say goodmorning daddy" I said as I sat her in her high chair. I washed my hands before walking over to fridge.

"Do you want milk or juice?"

"Juice!" She squealed. I poured some apple juice in a sippy cup before handing it over to her. I sat a handful of cheerios on her tray and cut up her some bananas.

"Good morning cutie" Jonathan says walking over to give her a kiss. I sat back down at the counter to finish my food.

"You don't want another one?"

"Another what?" I replied before eating another bite of my food.

"Another baby. We can have another one running around." He replies sitting back down next to me.

"We can barely handle the one we got" I chuckled.

"Look at her. She's adorable" Jon says smiling at Journee. I looked over and her mouth was covered with mushed bananas and she was just swaying side to side in her seat as she stuffed her mouth with cheerios. "You really don't want one?"

"I'm not saying I don't want one because I do but I literally died having her. I just feel like it would be selfish of me to have another one knowing I could die, the baby could die and Journee wouldn't have her mommy"

Session 32 |DaBaby|Where stories live. Discover now