Running up On Him from behind as he was grabbing the bags He immediately put his hands up.

"Where yo bossman at Southside?" I spat.

"Who the fuck is this"

He tried to look back at me. Hitting him in the face with the Butt of my gun I snarled my words at him more angrily this time so he knew I wasnt playin no fucking games.
"NIGGA WHO THE FUCK SENTCHU, take me to him" I hit the back of his head with the gun.

"Man hell nah!" He spat spitting blood out his mouth.

Shooting his brains on the trash can I grabbed the duffle bags walking away.
Ct let the other guy go turning to Carol.

"You did good" tapping his shoulder Ct came to the bags opening them up.
One full of all 100s the other a couple pounds of Angel dust and Weed.

"Here lil some for your worries... keep us Informed... get the fuck outta here"

Turnning to me and Gio he nodded his head.

"Meet me at the Wearhouse." He took the bags Leaving.

Getting in the car with Gio beside me I took my mask off.

"Lets fucking go" I speed off in the Dummy Car.


After Seeing Ct and talking some business. I took my ass home finally. I put away my half from our findings tonight under my bed walking to my dresser.

Seeing the essay Angel Wrote for me I smiled.

'I feel like I aint seen her in forever'

I thought picking it up.

Money Falling to the floor confused the fuck out of me, wondering where it came from I bent down counting it and picking it up.


'...did she?'
Standing Up I rubbed my waves lowkey blushing to myself.

"Wheres her imperfections?"

I said to myself smiling.

A vision of her throwing a brick at my car Made me chuckle shaking my head.

"All I have to do is not piss her off! Simple"

Getting out the shower I Brushed my Teeth Looking at the time on my phone.

1 am


'You up mamas?'

'Somewhat, whats up Love?'

'Im finna come see you'

Putting on a white T shirt and some basketball shorts I grabbed my keys off the table by the door making sure to lock it, getting in my Car then driving away.

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