Chapter Thirty-Seven

Start from the beginning

His body was drenched in sweat and blood, his forehead cracking as horns grew, the red flowing liquid sizzled and evaporated as quickly as it spilled. The horns didn't stay long. They sparkled and shined gold before vanishing into sparkles. As quickly as that happened Castian's eyes flashed from blood red to left-silver and right-gold, and his hair flashed from black to white.

This raised more questions, piled on with curiosity and wonder. My irises darted to Mr. Lincoln to see his reaction, his eyes mostly watching me. If he was having questions he hid them well.

Anthien didn't wait a moment when Ozora settled and sat up, his fist connecting to Castian's face as his rage spiked back up, "Next time keep him out of this, or I'll send you back there."

His punch would have killed me, but Cast didn't even budge. He panted and wiped the blood from his lips, a stupid grin on his face. All he had was a tilt of his head like this was some normal fucking night, "Awe, did ya miss me?"

"Asshole," Without making anything but a straight face, I lifted my fist and made contact with his smirking face. My irritation was back but shattered into pain from hitting him. I shook my hand, a pout on my lips as he just laughed. He stood up and did a little dance.

Literally fucking died, and he's dancing? He's insane. I'm with Anthien. Let's kill him.

Anthien slammed his medical box shut, swearing under his breath before he growled out, "I understand what we're dealing with in this goddamn place, but what the fuck is wrong with you? Involving Lunar into this ritual shit? Did it ever occur to you that he's fucking human? They hunt us with ease, and you have the audacity to fucking kill yourself and wreak the area with your blood?"

"He's fine, isn't he? Besides, I took that into accountability, quit being a pussy," Ozora chortled more, watching Leville aggressively comb his fingers through his hair, "Everything is fine."

His comment made Anthien lift the box and chuck it as hard as he could at Castian's face. Of course, Cast ducked and watched it fly passed him as Leville snarled, "Do you ever think people don't want to be fucking involved in your bullshit death wishes? Do you ever think about other people other than yourself?"

"Bold of you to ask when we know your reputation, Antie Pantie," Ozora snorted, his hands casually entering his pockets as he cocked his head at Anthien. I couldn't help my heart pounding, Leville had opened a dark casket, and he was about to be buried alive, "Did it ever occur to you my intentions of such? Did it ever occur to you that I truly don't give a damn about my life and that I don't feel pain? Did it ever occur that I truly mean it when I say I don't fucking like you? It's not my fault you think I'm bullshiting. I never asked you to come around. I never asked you to help me. I never asked you to join in my bullshit. Have you ever noticed that I've never asked anything of you? You just fucking show up. Yet, you can ask Lunar. I called him. I called Aiden. Yet Aiden had to call you to come to bring me back from the Limbo."

I took the smallest step back, preparing for a fight. Anthien's jaw tightened and popped, starting to open, but Castian beat him to the punchline, "No, don't even try, Anthien. I know you're just pissy because you don't want to fucking believe it. Face it, Anthien. Quit being a fucking baby and face it. I don't fucking like you. You came to my garage. You came to my house. You begged me to hang out, or you just showed up and dragged me out. You called me. You texted me. Go ahead, pull out your phone. Look at the texts and the call logs. You called first. You texted first. I don't fucking like you. I never fucking lied about my feelings, either. I never acted as if I liked you. I never gave any bullshit, so sit your fucking ass down and cry me a fucking river, then build a bridge with the rocks I just coughed up, go across it, and fucking stay there..."

"You're fucking pathetic. You're worthless. You're useless. You're a weak piece of shit that rapes and kills people, and I hope to one day rip out your fuckin' heart and eat it. I wouldn't hang out with you willingly even if it meant saving the entire universe," Cast had no remorse. No empathy. He was no longer laughing or smiling. He was full-blown serious, and his eyes glued to Anthien's, "Ya done bitching, hm?"

I wanted to intervene and calm things down, but I remained still. As much as I wanted to stick up for Leville... I-I couldn't. He needed to say it instead of bottling it up.

Anthien's jaw was tight, but he kept his mouth shut, walking passed Castian and picking up the mess he made with the medical box. Without a word, he walked away, Aiden nervously calling out, "W-We'll call you when you cool down!"

Aiden and I looked at one another and seemed to have the same idea, a silent agreement; Leave Anthien alone until he's calm. Now was not the time to try and mess with him. He needed to be left alone. His anger at the moment was a ticking time bomb, and growing up with him, I knew from personal experience that that explosive went off if you tried to calm him down yourself. He needed to do it on his own.

But Cast did have a point...He never lied about his feelings towards Anthien, even around me when we first met. He never gave bullshit or pretended to like him. He was always honest.

Without a second thought, Ozora turned and began walking. Immediately, Aiden and I ran after him, Aiden huffing, "Where are you going, now?"

"To see Mama."

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