Us meeting again

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Me and my daughter were infront of Mias grave. It was the day of her passing. It's tough seeing her grave stone but it gives me a chance to be close to her again.

Me and Isla were talking about mine and Mia's past when i smell her. I smell her scent.

I pick up the sent from behind me. I turn around and a woman climbs up the edge of the mountain. She was panting and rugged. She gets the top looks me in the eyes '' She collapses the ground...



I run to the fallen womens side. All I could smell was her scent.

How could this be? Mia was in the ground. I put her there. I saw her dead body. I felt my bond break with her soul. She shouldnt be here?

'Mom? What's going on?' Isla... I need to get her out of here and protect her from this person.

' I'm not sure baby. Help mom get this women down the mountain.' I say picking up the hurt women. Her back is filled with whip lashes and bruises that looked fresh and old. Her arms were bruised and clearly broken in many places. Her legs were not much better either. How she walked all this way in this beat up condition is a mystery.

'Isla, when we get to the foot of the mountain i want you to run as fast as you possible can to Giran(the doctor) and fetch him to me okay.'

'Yes mom' Isla grabs hold of the woman and helps me put her on my back. 'Got it?'

'Yeah thats perfect.' She was so light. I'm sure she weighed the same as Isla. I could feel every rib on my back. I can't believe she is still alive right now. her breath brushed my neck, so shallow. I really hope she stays alive by the time we get her to the infermary.

The way down the moutain is hell. Trying to keep her on my back and watch where im stepping so I dont fall is hard work. Isla is way ahead trying to get down as fast as she can while staying close to me just incase something bad happens.

Who is this women? She looks like mia, smells like mia and sounds like her. But is it really her? I secretly want it to be her but i felt the pain of our bind breaking. My mark even faded considerably over the years after her death.
This can't ber her right? Let not get our hopes up. I don't want them to be crushed anymore than they have.

We finally make it down the mountain. From there all chaos broke loose. Isla ran for her life to ger Giran. In minutes he was here with Isla and many others on his tail.

'Who is that? How'd they get in alpha?' Giran says as he comes to a halt infront of me. 'Wait' He snifs the girl. ' Is that Mia?'
Giran is the best doctor who has been here for 40 years, he watched mia grow up, watched our relationship grow, and watched me loose her. He was there for it all.

'I-i don't know.' I hand her over to him and the others to take to the hospital. 'Just please help her'

'Yes, of course Alpha' He says, bows his head then makes his way back.

Three days. Three days it took to point all her injuries and fix them.
She didn't heal all that much in these days. Her body was so malnurished that it just needed to rest and take in as many vitamins as possible. She didn't wake in these days at all either. I dont think anyone would in her condition.

I couldn't make myself leave her side after her surgery. I couldn't. I wanted to be here when she woke up. Isla came by many times a day as well. She was curious as to why I cared so much about this random rogue. I couldn't tell her why. I didn't want to get her hopes up or for her to ask any questions.

Giran wanted me to get rest in my own bed by I refused. He couldn't exactly argue with me either which was a plus.

Currently I'm reading a book on war strategies just in case one does happen in the near future. I do plan on going to war with the people who killed my mate. We haven't found who did it yet but we got some evidence and have people on the hunt every day. So im planning how I'm going to kill the mother fuckers. Oh and it's not going to be a quick easy death either. it's going to be a slow one that for sure. make em pay for the hurt they caused our clan.

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