Trees, Tears and Terror

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Getting out of the stuffy house was a welcomed thing. The house was not helping my anxiety for this outing. By the look on Mias face, she was thinking the same.

Isla was not paying any attention to the tension between me and Mia, just skipping on the pavement up ahead. No doubt to give us space to talk. However, it was going to waste as I couldn't think of a single topic to bring up.

'Hey, Alla?' One of my wolves say in my head.


'Calm down. This is your mate. Just talk naturally okay?'

'Okay... I got this'

'Ask how they are feeling'

"Hey Mia. You doing okay?"

Mias head whips around and she nods.

"You sure?" I giggle "you look a little flustered"

"Mam! You can't say that to her! It will make her more flustered!" Isla chimes from up ahead.

"Butt out wolfy!" I shout up to her.

Mia giggles from my side "you two are so cute. I'm kind of jealous."

"Jealous? Why would you be jealous?" I ask turning to look her in the eye.

"I don't know. You guys just have such a cute and easy relationship. I really want that with you and her." Mia looks to the floor, pink cheeks glowing under the sun.

"I adopted them for you." I say quietly, looking in Isla's direction. Watching them play with the fallen leaves on the ground.

"What?" Mia looks up from the ground into my eyes that find hers.

"When we lost you I was full of grief. I had lost my mate and my support system. Someone to fill my days. Someone to cook for. To shop for. But mostly to care for.

My parents had their own things going on and didn't need me to care for them as they had eachother. I had work to do yes but I still wanted someone to love and protect.

I remembered us talking about having kids one day when we would rule over the pack, to start a family. You always wanted a little girl. You would fawn over the cure dresses in the stores.

So I adopted Isla. As soon as I seen her I knew you would want her. I just knew so I signed the papers. I put both our names.

She yours too Mia."

Tears ran down mias face. "You did that for me?"

Mias voice was so small. Tears fell down to her top creating dark splodges.

"Hey don't cry" my hand touches her cheek, thumb whiping away her tears that kept falling.

"I'm sorry" Mia'd whole demeaner changed as we stopped just outside the border of the forest, completely walking through town.

'Why are you sorry?' I say resting my hand on her delicate shoulder. 'Its not like you willingly left me. It's not your fault so don't be sorry'

Sadness turned to anger so quickly in her eyes, 'would you stop?'

I was visibly taken aback by her harshness and so was isla as they stopped playing with the leaves in her hands.

'Stop making excuses for me! I don't deserve it. And I didn't deserve for you make anything in my honer either.' Her hands balled into fists at her sides, brows furrowed, but tears still streamed down her face.

'Yes you do Mia, why are you so angry? It's not like you just up and walked away. You didnt willingly leave us did you?' My voice tried to stay calm and level but it was hard. Why is she so angry all of a sudden? This change is off, and my wolves think so too.

'I may as well have. Look at what I done to you' she motions to my whole body.

'Mia, listen, you found us again didn't you? I'm fine now, we are all fine now. You found us again.' I'm starting to get frantic. I just want her to calm down so this doesnt become a fight.

She scofs in my face, 'I don't even remember you'

That hit home a little too hard but I try and keep level headed and calm. "You found me! That must mean something right?"

"It could have just been a coincidence though Alla! You shouldn't read to much into this. It will only get you hurt" panic mixed with anger swirled in her eyes.

I snap, my heart breaks a little, my wolves wine loudly in my head,
"Do not tell me what to think! You have no idea what goes through my head! What I've been thinking and feeling since the day I lost you! The terror and hurt I've been through!" Tears stream down my red blotched face. I swipe them away. "You have no right."

"I have no right? I have no right?" Mias words were venom "this isn't just about you Alla! You don't know what I've been through either!"

"Then tell me! How can I know if you don't tell me? I- we were all under the impression you don't even know what you went through! I don't know because our bond broke!" I'm screaming, all sence gone.

"What...?" Anger turned to shock at my words. "Our bond broke? But I'm still alive. How even is that possible?"

"We found your body Mia. Well what we thought was your body. You were cut into shreds on the forest floor. I found out by some of the pack and when I saw you our bond was torn like you died. My wolves were under the same impression but they wouldn't mate with anyone else."

"But... but that's impossible ... I don't believe it."

" when I saw you again the bond awoken again like it did when we first met. It's like you're a new mate all together to be honest."

"I don't understand"

"Why don't I explain birds?" A man's voice came from deep in the forest. All wildlife came to a stand still. My blood ran cold as ice.

I look to Mia and her face was pale as snow. Her expression full of terror.

She knew this man.

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