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AN (Isla is using she/ they pronouns in the next couple of chapters until stated otherwise) (this is kinda a filler chapter but enjoy) (not edited)

I had ask Mia if she had wanted to see the town again. Go eat. Maybe go shopping and get things she liked. New things she could feel comfortable in.

There was a shop in town thay carried gothic attire I know she always used to shop in. Half our wardrobe was from there.

Thankfully Mia had agreed and was currently getting ready. I on the other hand is going through what one might call contemplation.

I don't know what to wear.

Do I wear mom clothes? We are taking my little human.

Or do I wear what I want to wear?

Ugh its no use! I can't decide!

I set out two outfits and stare at them for what seemed like an eternity.

They both looked good. I know I would look good in them but here's the thing.

They are polar opposites.

One looked like a pastors wife and the other looked like the devil's child.

I clearly can't do this alone.... I need to call I back up.

I put on my robe and go to the top of the stairs and call as loud as I possibly can.

"Darling! Can you come help me please." To my surprise Isla wasn't the only one who shouted back.

"Uh... yes?" Miad voice come from down the hall.

"Yes mamma, coming!"Islas voice comes from across the house, with scurrying feet following her eco.

Mias head pops from around the door blushing furiously.

"You... ment Isla didn't you?" Mia says quietly looking anywhere but my eyes.

Too shocked I just nodded. Mia rubs at her neck embarrassed.

Isla comes up the stares looking from me to Mia, assessing the awkward tension in the air.

"Everything okay mamma?" Isla says walking the final step up and to my side. "Do you need me?"

I snap out of my daze and nod "yes can you come help me in my room?" I look at Mia who still can't look me in my eye, red checks still prominent. "Imma go finish getting ready" I say pointing to my open bed room door.

"Yes" she says nodding. "I..imma do the same."

We walk back to my room, Islas hand in mine.

"What was that about mamma?"

"Oh..uh... nothing?"

Isla look up at me with a pure ' really' look in her eyes.

I giggle, " you never let anything go amis do you my child?"

"I wounder where I got thay from"


"What?! Am I wrong?!"

I say quietly "no...but still"

"Right" they giggle and hop on the bed, ruffling the clothes I laid out earlier.

"So I need help with my outfit."

"Ooo make over time! I love doing this!" Isla jumps from the bed, shoes landing loudly on the hard wood floor. They dramatically open my cupboard. They take in a deep breath and spin around on one foot towards me. "You are not wearing either of those outfits."

"Okay my stylist! I'm in your hands" I strike a pose and she cringes.

"Oh my god stop!" They cover their face with their hands.

I laugh and lounge on the bed "fine, fine I'll stop embarrassing my poor child for now. But I will later so watch out wolfy.

They bear their teeth at me. "I'll make you wear a clown costume!"

I fake gasp "No you wouldn't! Thats a sin in the fashion world!"

"I'll make an exception for you for the torture!" She pikes out her tongue and gets to work on my outfit.

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