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        He doesn't know where he is going neither does where his feet lead him

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        He doesn't know where he is going neither does where his feet lead him. He walked outside, towards the street with an empty mind, only with the aligned lampposts that gave light from the blackness of the night. Jimin wasn't sure of the reason why he was walking in the middle of the night on the streets. But one thing he knows is that these past few days had been a little odd for him, neither of him can explain.

        But he knows... he knows to himself; something doesn't feel right. Or what he believes it is.

        Jimin moved on until he reaches the end of the street, now, he wonders where to go after. But at the edges of his eyes, he noticed something that wasn't there before. He looked at his side, proving himself if he is right or wrong but he saw nothing. Much to his displease, he turned around, back to where the house is and continued.


        Another click.

        The immortal paused in his tracks as his gaze fell on a certain lamppost a few steps in front of him at the opposite side of the street. The lights were slowly flickering and back again.

        Jimin watched, unmoved by the unsettling feeling he have at the moment. A few seconds of waiting, the flickering stopped and just after that, he found himself walking back with steady steps—then a memory played in his mind.

        The night at the amusement park, Jeongyeon asked him to go to a wishing well and as he wanted to accompany her, he agreed. But then, after the ride in the Ferris wheel, Jimin had sensed the oddness of the wind—it had gone cold... too cold but Jeongyeon hadn't noticed for she was walking in front of him, excitement beaming on her face as she leaps towards the direction. Only then, Jimin began to fall behind, occupied by a different feeling as his trembling gaze wanders around. He called her name a couple of the times and after they decided to head home, he looked at the night sky.

        And the scenery of the full moon and the darkness that surrounds it is what he remembers the most.

        It was different... different.

        He slowly opened his eyes after reminiscing what happened last night and a week before. Jimin was laying on the bed, his gaze fixed on the ceiling. Then he remembered the Sky Lantern Festival, suddenly, a small smile creeps to his lips without him knowing.

        Jimin got out of his bedroom and into the only place he had in his mind. He passed through the kitchen where he heard their voices bickering, Jinyoung and Jeongyeon but he made sure he wouldn't make a sound or let himself be found. He doesn't want to interrupt their moment as much as he had his. As he reached outside, he strode the similar path he had seen before, into the trail of lampposts and through an uphill. He gazed over his shoulder and he seems to be far distant from the house.

        Jimin occupied the same spot they took before as tons of memories flooded his mind.

        The meadow.

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