Epilogue - Part 1

Start from the beginning

"And I love you so much more sweetheart." He tells me.

"60 seconds."

Everyone moves into position, the senior church officiant standing in the front, ready to walk first a few steps ahead.

I would walk down the aisle with my dad beside me next, after my three bridesmaids.
Now we only had merely a few moments until the doors would be flung open.

Thomas had informed me when we were wedding planning a while ago that their would be a live orchestra and choir, so when I heard the classic music start to play I knew it was time to begin.

The large doors before me were flung open, and the officiant stepped out first.

Then my bridesmaids followed and then it was my turn.

I took a deep breath, held my head up and stepped forward with my father into the spotlight in time with the music. My dad held my hand tightly, leading me out proudly with a smile.

The crowds of people in the church were all standing and smiling, I could see so many faces I knew. Old selected girls, Elizabeth's boyfriend Hunter and my friends all from Australia, even Prince Archie beside Lola.

But as soon I could see Thomas I didn't look away. He looked incredible as ever, the handsome prince he was in military uniform. Like that of his father when he was married, wearing the bright red of the Irish Guards.

I felt a swell in my heart as I saw him take in my dress slowly, with the sweetest look on his face. He watched me the whole time, as the slow walk took a minute or two for me to get the full way down. His green eyes were enticing, capturing my attention over all the other distractions in the room.

As I came to stand beside him he whispered to me, "Hey Bells."

"Hi Tom." I whispered softly back.

It was like we were just two people, in love, because that's what we were.

But when I look around, at the officials and the Royals I know this isn't just about us. This is a legacy I'm becoming apart of, a part of the royal family.

The officiant nodded to the choir and everyone sung a brief hymn, while I keep looking to Thomas out of the corner of my eye. I forced myself not to cry, as not only was this on live TV, but I knew it would be nicer to enjoy the day with Thomas tear free.

Once the singing concluded, everyone sat down as my father passed my hand off to Thomas, allowing us to face each other properly. I held his right hand tightly.

We then begun our official vows, the officiant asking us to answer his questions.

"Thomas Alexander Louis, wilt thou have this woman to thy wedded wife, to live together according to God's law in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou love her, comfort her, honour and keep her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?" The officient asks, to which Thomas answered: "I will."

The man then looked to me, reading from his book officially, "Isabelle Rose Davis, wilt thou have this man to thy wedded husband, to live together according to God's law in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou love him, comfort him, honour and keep him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?"

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