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You wince as you clenched the two pieces of (S/c) skin with your good arm, covering the crimson line before wrapping it up with the cleanest fabrics David could find.

David had grabbed a green leaf and placed it over his head before looking through anything other than brown dirt, grey rocks and other types of leaves. Collecting small, ripped pieces of paper and the rest of your fabrics that had flew out of your Holder and returning it into the off white and stained Bag next to you. Sadly, all the healing herbs you had collected looked the same as the normal leaves around David, (Well, for him. For you it's easy to tell the difference), so there goes any immediate help that you could use.

You turn your attention back towards the two splashes of red on the pavement, feeling your gut clench suddenly before releasing the contents in your stomach underneath a large orange leaf that you quickly grabbed. Wiping your mouth with a piece of grass, you tested the flexibility of your arm, presumably broken, with the stick wrapped with your arm in the bandages. It managed to move a little before sending shooting pain up and down the rest of your arm and into your shoulder. You felt a new flush of heat in your face before warm liquid started to spill from your eyes, following the same dried streaks of salt.

The scene kept on replaying in your head. Screams of those two Tiny Legs echoed around your head, and Sarah's screams had gotten louder along with the flash of her terrified face before she relaxed it made it all the worse for you. You could barely handle Sarah's death. But now you had just been another witness to two people dying in the same way.

This is your fault.

No, it's not! She was too far away to do anything!

You could've saved Sarah. But you didn't.

She's a Light foot! There was no possible way she could have managed to pull Sarah up all by herself!

You could have done it if you tried harder.

She's not strong enough... she's too light.

You're weak. You'll never be good enough.

Stop it! She's an amazing and talented girl!

You slam your forehead with the palm of your good hand multiple times in an attempt to get rid of the voices. These strange and unwanted thoughts had started entering your mind when Sarah died, and it was starting to freak you out. Your arm was possibly broken, you couldn't walk because of your swollen ankle, you have a wound on your side and had multiple bruises all around your body. You didn't need two voices arguing in your head, as well as the screaming. All you wanted was to go to bed and sleep all this horrible stuff away.

A big hand grabbed your current head banging palm, it was warm and gentle. You look back up at David's sweet, worried face.

"Hey, stop that. You okayish?" David asked, his other hand carrying some small leaves, a single sharp shard of the plastic part of the outside of a pen and a single piece of paper.

"No. I'm hearing voices in my head. One keeps on screaming about how I'm a bad person, the other keeps saying I'm a good girl, and it's starting to freak me out." Your voice cracks a few times in those sentences, and a new river of tears flee your eyes.

David's blue eyes widened, his mouth slightly agape as his brows furrow. It was obvious he didn't understand what you meant. But he let your good hand go as his shoulders slumped as he put down the objects in his other hand to wrap you in a gentle hug.

He hate's you.

No! David's her best male friend! And he's literally hugging her!

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