Survival 21 | It Won't Be Easy

Start from the beginning

“I know it was really dangerous. . . but I didn't expect it to be that. . .” I whispered, scared to be heard by others even I know they heard it loud and clear.

“There are still some strange creatures you'll see in the future, which hopefully, we won't get their attention or we will die,” Klaus speaks despite being busy looking at the monitor of his computer.

“Let me show you about it,” he added and signaled us to come on his place, which they followed.

Even with my trembling body and knees that about to give up, I followed his command, and thankfully, Faye didn't leave my side.

The first thing that welcomed my gaze is a visual as if from a surveillance camera, and the familiar surroundings that made me trembled. On the lower right is TUE 23:34:43 and it continues to count, which indicates it's almost midnight. Thankfully, it's a night camera and everything could still be seen even it's dark.

“They are data I've gathered. There's more of them but let's focus on what they saw first. It happened when the outbreak in this world just begun,” he explained, looking carefully at the monitor with his fingers clicking on the keyboard with such speed, that only if I wasn't scared, I might be amazed at how he's fast at typing.

“What the heck was that place?” Someone asked.

I instantly remembered the door at the back of the mall and looking at the place on the recording, I could see the whole view of the place that even zombies could be seen are walking on the ground. The way their body shone in dark green indicates that the night vision camera has been detecting their movements.

“It was the old laboratory, the place where they recreated this virus that almost wiped out humanity before they spread it in other countries which resulting in the same disaster that we are facing right now,” Klaus explained before he clicked something from his keyboard.

Slowly, the familiar cries echoed in this place that I instantly trembled in terror. The image of those pair of shining red eyes that indicate danger and death appeared in my mind again that I closed my eyes tightly, yet the cries from the recording remained to enter my senses, and it just wouldn't make me calm my head!

A scary creature lurking in the dark.

I heaved a sigh and bravely opened my eyes, only for them to be widened when two figures that are functioning like zombies, as if they accidentally wander to the place that I gasped. . . we gasped, watching how that crying woman attacked those zombies with its agility, at how horribly fast it is.

It killed the first zombie that seemed to enter its range first before it turned to the other one and did the same too. Using its long, sharp nails, that money crawled into the zombies' bodies, killing them while emitting thin yet loud cries that are hurting my ears.

Before that monster turned back to the place where it was earlier and cried again as if it didn't do anything. . . terrifying.

“The monster you're seeing is what the military is trying to create. And trust me, you'll even encounter more of them in the future. I hope we could stay alive after our encounters with those monsters,” Dreyard said, which I understood why they're doing this.

They want us to trust them, that's why they're giving up all the information they've collected and showing them to us.

And staying alive? That seemed impossible once you encountered something this dangerous because even just a simple cut from their nails could turn you into a zombie, what about having to face something as terrifyingly hideous as this monster is?

As per Klaus clicked something on his monitor, with different views of cameras from all over the world. They're showing data of the same woman with a thin body and bloody long nails that are walking at different places that the surveillance cameras caught.

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