The Dagger and the wolf

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As the sun was going down, we decided to find a cave to hole up in. Ezran put the egg back in his bag with my permission. I was cold myself and at least the bag would help a little until I could set up a fire. I stood up on shaky legs and was about to take a step but Rayla stopped me asking if I was okay. I couldn't respond with words so I let my actions do the talking and started heading off to find a cave.

Before the sun had fallen, we set up camp in a cave. Rayla used her blades to light up a fire in the middle of a cave with some wood we found on the way. I made a nest for Zym from twigs and leaves and anything I could find. Rayla tried to stop me from going outside to get materials by saying that I was weakened but she knew as well as I did that she wasn't going to stop me.

Zym's egg was near the fire and I curled up around him doing my best not to lay down on my broken wing.

"(y/n) you should go outside and recharge," Rayla said.

I shook my head and curled my body tighter around the egg.

"Please, it's going to be harder for us to be inconspicous if we are traveling with a dragon and your body heat won't add any warmth that the egg won't already get from the fire."

Her point made sense, but I was struggling with the idea of leaving Zym on his own.

"I'll keep him warm for you," Rayla said.

I gave in to her wishes, a weak dragon would just be one further burden on them. I stood up, touched my forehead to Zym's egg and laid down outside the cave where I was in full view of the stars. Just being in their presence was already easing the pain from my wing and giving me some magic back. Soon after, my weak body fell to the clutches of sleep.

I woke up the next morning startled from a nightmare. I looked at the cave and found Rayla curled up next to the egg. It was still glowing faintly but at least he wasn't dead. Callum was sleeping on a stone ledge with Ezran and Bait. I used my alone time to get us some food.

When I returned, Callum, Ezran and Rayla were already awake. We had a breakfast of berries and got ready to continue walking. Before Ezran put the egg inside his bag however, I touched its shell and though it wasn't cold anymore, his energy was still weak and it seemed as if Zym was asleep for he wasn't responding to my calls.

After a bit of walking, we made it to a human town. This was bound to be entertaining.

"There it is! A town!" Rayla exclaimed suspiciously excited.

"I knew I saw smoke. Maybe we can find help."

"Okay sure. We might find a dragon egg expert. But we will definitely find a bunch of elf-hating humans."

Rayla scoffed.

"No problem," she said reaching into Ezran's bag and pulling out a cloak, "get ready to meet...human Rayla!"

She showed off her new outfit which was just a cloak covering her horns. I rolled my eyes. I seem to be doing that a lot lately.

"Yeah, I'm not sure that's gonna cut it," Callum took the words out of my mouth.

"Just wait," Rayla appeased, "once I pair my disguise with my perfect human impression, the illusion will be complete."

Callum crossed his arms.

"Greetings fellow humans, human fellas. I sure do like hanging out with other humans, and talking about things like money...and starting wars..."

I held in a laugh, her impression was surprisingly accurate.

"That's pretty good actually," Ezran said.

"Totally! My good human friend! Bring it in!" Rayla said putting up her hand.

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