Through the ice

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a/n: ok so i hate a/n's so ill make this one short. first, someone commented and i just want to thank hem. i am not begging for comments, but when someone interacts with my story, it motivates me to write more. so Thank you!


We had walked a few hours before setting up camp beneath a big tree. I waited until the princes were asleep before I approached Rayla. She had been asleep, but my presence had woken her up.

"Hello there," she said.

"Hey," I replied.

"How is your wrist?" I asked.

"It hurts, but I'll be fine."


"Fine, it hurts a lot, but I can handle it."

"You are aware that I can take the pain away, right?"

"I know, but then you're the one feeling it."

"It hurts less for me than it will for you."

"Still, I can't let you do that for me. Besides, haven't you depleated your magic already?"

"Yeah, but I still have a little left, besides, the stars are out, I can use that too."

"No, I'm fine."

"but Rayla"

She looked a me seriously.

"Ugh fine, but please, if it gets too bad, let me help."

She didn't answer. I walked away from her and found a place that would expose me to the stars. I turned back into dragon form, laid down, and fell asleep.

Early in the morning, my sleep got interrupted by Rayla whimpering in her sleep.

'Honestly Rayla, if you just let me take care of that, we could at least share a lesser pain.'

A few seconds after, a twig snapped in the forest and I lifted my head towards the sound. Rayla seemed to have noticed the noise and now she was awake looking around as well. I took up my elf form and took my blades out just in case. Rayla and I both snuck-ran towards the noise. In an empty part of the forest near our camp, we found a stick broken in half, as we were leaning down to inspect it, we heard the leaves rustle behind us so we jumped to face the danger. Side to side with our weapons drawn we waited for it to approach us.

Our of a bush, a little deer came out. I put my daggers back on myself and Rayla sheathed her swords. We both kneeled down toward the animal.

"Hello you wee cutie, you scared us," said Rayla putting her hand up fro the creature to sniff.

The deer went up to her hand and started licking at her now purple hand. She flinched.

"Thanks little one, but my hand's got a problem you can't lick away."

I pet the deer on its head and it closed its eyes at the touch. Suddenly, the deer looked up and started backing away.

"What the matter?" Rayla asked, but the deer ran away.

We both turned around only for a net to fall on us effectively trapping us against the ground. The ropes pressed agains my back, against my injured wing. Rayla and I crawled out of the net, but before we were fully out, a man jumped behind us.

"Never trapped an elf before," he said, "Easier than I thought."

Rayla and I jumped away just in time to avoid the man's hook-chain from piercing us. We drew our weapons and charged at once. The man pushed us away with his hook and swung it at us, but we managed to knock it off with our swords. He started swinging the chain around forcing us to back off from him. Rayla and I couldn't attack so we resorted to jumping away.

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