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Running in the forest outside of the kingdom, I noticed that the binding turned red and fell off of Rayla. That could only mean one thing. The king had fallen. I looked up at Rayla and saw the conflict in her eyes. I nunged my head confortingly against her leg.

"What's going on?" Callum asked, "something's wrong."

"No, it's...we should stop and rest soon," she said, "it's a long journey to Xadia."

Callum turned and we kept on walking. We reached an opening in the trees a few hours later and decided to stay there for the night. While the princes laid down on the ground to sleep, I climbed up a tree to have a vantage point and to have better exposure to the stars in order to recharge my power. Soon after, I fell asleep.

I was awoken in the middle of the night by the sounds of Rayla struggling, ready to jump into action, I turned to her and noticed that she was just struggling with her binding.

"Unbind yourself!"



Rayla turned toward where we were sleeping and noticed both me and bait staring.

"Don't judge me. So what I'm talking to my ribbon thing?...How is that any worse than talking to a...whatever it is you are?" She said directing it towards Bait.

Electing to ignore her shenanigans and favoring sleep over watching my best friend talk to a frog, I just covered my head with my paws and went back to sleep. Before falling back asleep, in the distance, I heard bells toll.

I woke up the next morning feeling my powers all charged up. Stretching my wings with a big yawn, I jumped out of the tree transforming myself back into elf form before hitting the ground. I looked around at the princes who were still very much asleep. Rayla on the other hand looked as if she hadn't even gotten a wink.

"Hey," she said as I walked up to her.

"Hey," I returned the gretting.

I sat down next to her on her rock, and after a few awkward seconds of us just staring at each other, we both smiled and laughed at the same time. We hugged each other, a feeling I hadn't felt in a long time and as Rayla let go, I smiled.

"I missed you," I told her.

"I missed you too, friend."

From the corner of my eye, I watched as Callum woke up and stretched. He yawned and slowly opened his eyes looking lost. As his eyesight focused, he looked at Rayla, then at me before his pupils went wide and he exclaimed surpised  "Wah! it's a girl!"

"Not just some girl," Rayla said, "that's the dragon princess."

"T-t-the what?!" he claimed again, "but I- and the- you were a dragon!"

"Yeah, and now I'm not...I think you already know but my name is (y/n)."

"Um...yeah...I just—wow, it's going to take a while for me to process this..."

"We'll leave you to it," I said turning to face Rayla once again.

Rayla and I caught up a bit before she got some moonberry juice and offered it to me.

"Thanks! I haven't had this stuff in so long."

"Ye' I figured," she said.

Callum looked at us weird, but once I looked over to him, he was back on his book. We talked for a bit longer while Callum just sat under the tree doing his own thing. Suddenly Rayla drew my attention once again with:

Shadows of the past (The Dragon Prince x reader)Where stories live. Discover now