An empty throne

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We got off the boat after a few hours once it became clear that we weren't being followed. I once again elected to sleep on top of a tree in my dragon form.

"Why do you do that?" Callum asked.

"Do what?"

"Sleep as a dragon, and up a tree?"

"Oh. Well, since I am connected to the star arcanum, the more exposed to the stars I am, the easier it is for my magic to charge up. Also sleeping as a dragon is more comfortable to me."

"Oh, that makes sense," he said.

I laid down on a branch and coiled my tail around the trunk of the tree to keep myself steady and fell asleep. The night went on fine, I had a couple of dreams about mom and dad which were interrupted with nightmares about Viren. I remembered the day he killed dad and I woke up startled.

I woke up a bit before sunset. I was unable to go back to sleep so I decided to just wait for everyone else to wake up. The climate started to get colder and I noticed the little prince begin to shake. In any other situation, I probably would've left the human to suffer, but he was taking care of my brother and I guess I owed my current freedom to him, so I laid down next to him and covered him with my unbroken wing. The prince sighed in contentment and hugged his pet. Had he not been a human, I would have considered the action adorable.

Without noticing, I ended up falling asleep again. This time, my dreams went uninterrupted. I woke up a few hours after, feeling a magic pulsating near my back, and knowing it was probably Callum playing mage, I used my tail to knock him away snuggling back into sleep.

A few seconds after, my sleep was interrupted once again by Rayla saying

"This doesn't end well for you."

Rolling my eyes at her antics, I stood up and turned back into an elf.

"Last night you thought the cube was just a worthless toy, but now we know--"

"It's a glow toy," Rayla said sarcastically.

I kept in a chuckle as I approached them and sat down on a fallen tree trunk. Bait approached the cube, and it began to glow.

"Exactly!" Callum said excitedly.

"Exactly..." Rayla repeated annoyed.

Rayla stood up.

"I'm going to find some food," she said walking away.

"Right, I'll come with you," I said following after.

Before we left though, Ezran interrupted.

"Wait, we've got food," he said, "we grabbed a sack of bread at the banther lodge."

Rayla grabbed the baguette.

"I thought this was a sack of clubs," she said before waving the bread around like a sword.

"Yeah, besides, not even Dragon teeth can get through that bread," I added.

Rayla yelped and dropped the bread which fell on a rock and broke the rock. We both watched the broken rock.

"No, it's food....ish," Ezran said as he tried to bite into the hard-rock bread.

"We're good," I said starting to walk away once again.

Rayla and I separated a bit in search for berries. After a bit of searching, I found a bush, but as I turned around to tell her, I noticed that she was sitting at the edge of a cliff. I walked up to my friend and sat next to her.

She sighed, "here goes nothing," she said pulling out her sword and trying to cut her wrist ribbon with it.

"You know Rayla, I doubt that's going to work seeing as it's a magic ribbon and all..."

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