The book of destiny

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I had a weird dream after that whole event. It was like i could see everything yet nothing at the same time. Almost as if i wasn't just connected the the star arcanum but as if i were the star arcanum. And as soon as this feeling of being timeless came, it left, and i found myself in a room i had never seen before, but somehow felt as if i had been there my whole life. The door to this room opened and a startouch elf like me came through. I had never seen him before but he also felt familiar in a way.
I thought he wouldnt be able to see me but as soon as he looked up he looked me straight in the eyes. I gasped from surprise and the elf kept walking straight towards me. I took a step back but he went right through me as if i was made out of smoke. I looked behind myself and jumped. There was a mirror behind me and in that mirror i could see viren. I ran from the mirror and put myself against a wall in the room not wanting to give my back to viren. As i noticed the detail of the mirror, it too was familiar, it reminded me of a mirror i had seen in father's chambers, but i could not be certain fro the only time i had seen that mirror, as i went up to it to observe it, father got angry at me and took me away from it. It was teh only time father had ever raised his voice at me. As a cub i had been so confused and sad but mother assured me that father was just scared for me and that he wasn't angry so i calmed down. Next time i entered father's chambers, it had been covered with a cloth and i didnt dare approach it again.
Viren took up a dagger and put it against his hand.
"I'm ready." He said.
'Ready fro what' i wondered.
Whatever it was, I didn't' t like it.
The elf didnt seem phased as he too took up a blade and cut into his hand.
From the position I was in, I couldn't see much of what was going on with the elf, but i saw viren do the same and as his blood hit a bowl beneath his hand, i felt a pang in my heart.
The elf pulled out a weird bug out of thin air and touched his hand to the bowl in front of him. Curious but cautious, i made my way closer to him to see what he was doing, but when I looked at it, the bowl was empty. through the other side of the mirror, the bowl in front of viren lit up red and after a few seconds, viren picked up the same bug that the elf had been holding.
I was really confused. It didn't make sense for an elf to work with a human, let alone a star touched elf working with a dark mage. My first thought was that maybe the elf was tricking viren and was going to use the bug to poison him but that was mostly wishful thinking. The bug made its way through virens clothes up to his ear and settled there. I jumped as i heard the elf speak for the first time.
"Speak," he said in a creepy and deep voice.
It felt so familiar almost like i had meet him before in a dream but since i was dreaming, i assumed it was probably that.
Viren suddenly turned around to the side where the bug was perched on his ear. He looked around confused.
"I..." he said
"Speak, so i may hear you" the elf replied.
Viren looked back at the mirror.
"Who...who are you?"
Seeing my previous captor so terrified gave me a sense of satisfaction but in my gut i knew that viren meeting this elf was not a good thing.
" long i have waited to hear the sound of another voice" the elf replied.
"How may I serve you?" He asked.
"Who are you" viren asked again, with more confidence this time
"My name would mean nothing to you." The elf replied.
Viren sighed in exasperation. He approached the mirror and looked around but he luckily didnt seem to notice me.
"Where are you?"
"I dont know" the elf answered confused.
"Don't lie to me" viren said crossing his arms
"I'm not lying. I never lie."
He was definitely lying.
"I found this mirror in the lair of the dragon king. This mirror meant something to him. You meant something to him."
'So it is father's mirror. That kidnapping, torturing, stealing, scum!'
"Perhaps," the elf replied, "tell me what you need, and i will help you."
'Why would you help him? He is a monster! Elves are not supposed to help humans let alone star touched elves and much less with a dark mage! Why is he doing this?'
'Because I want to' the elf's voice replied in my head.
I frantically looked around but i couldn't see where the voice came from and as I looked at the elf himself, his mouth hadn't moved and it still seemed as if he didn't realize i was there.
"I need you name!" Viren said angry.
The elf took off his hood.
"Aaravos." He said.
I felt like my world was spinning. I had heard this name before. I didn't know much about aaravos, but i knew he was bad news. And if viren scared me before, i was terrified now.
Viren took the weird purple worm off his ear and sealed it in a jar. He placed the jar down and walked out of the room he was in. As teh door closed, aaravos turned and looked straight into my eyes. I jumped.
"We will meet again (y/n). Wake up"
I startled awake to see ezran, zym, bait, and rayla who was supporting Callum's weight looking at me weird.
"What happened? Why are you looking at me like that?"
"You were glowin'" rayla said
"Was i?" My brain felt like mush and my body was so tired.
While i was struggling to think, rayla and ezran set callum down on the ground and used his backpack as a pillow.
"How is he doing?"
"Im so uncomfortable" callum groaned
"Uncomfortable with your choice to use dark magic perhaps?" Rayla asked.
"Rayla!" Ezran yelled
"Don't yell at her, she's right, he didnt just hurt himself you know..."
"How are you feeling, (y/n)?" Rayla asked
"Like someone just used my blood for dark magic...oh wait..."
Ezran moved callum's bag.
"Is that any better?" He asked
"So uncomfortable" callum muttered.
"I doubt anything you do right now is going to help him, he just needs to let it get out of his system."
While callum was writhing on the ground i tried to stand up and almost blacked out after i did.
"Whoa" rayla said as she caught me, "maybe you should lay down too"
"Hmmm, i guess you're right" i groaned blinking away the dark spots
"How did you even get back here?" Ezran asked.
"I dont know, it was weird, i think i somehow controlled the dragon and made her bring me here but my mind feels so fuzzy."
"I didnt know you could do that." Rayla said
"Neither did i" i replied
Zym cuddled up to my side and rubbed his head against me.
"I was scared"
"I'm sorry little one"
I transformed back into my dragon form and curled up around him. Without even wanting to, i fell asleep again. I woke up a while later hearing rayla' a voice.
"Who's there? Show yourself or ill greet you with my pointy friends."
I opened my eyes to see her standing with her blades drawn in front of the hook man. I wanted to help her fight but as i tried to stand my body collapsed upon itself "you." Rayla said as she too noticed that this was the same man that chased us in the forest.
The man and her got read to fight and i held zym against me with my unbroken wing while growling at him but before they could start the fight, the man looked at ezran and gasped.
" im not here to fight." He said putting his hands up and setting down his weapon. "My name is Corvus, your aunt Amaya sent me." He told ezran.
Ezran nodded and rayla put down her. Swords letting him aproach the prince.
He got closer to ezran.
"I am here to serve the king." He said getting down on one knee, "king ezran."
'Oh shit'
"But im not the king, im just a prince. My dad is...Wait, thats not what you're saying. He isn't..."
Rayla came up to ezran looking hurt.
"No. No! No, no!" He said walking backward and away from Corvus and rayla.
"I'm sorry ez" i said
"Ezran it's going to be okay." Rayla tried to comfort
"You knew? I'm an idiot! I should have figured it out. When we met you, you had two of those assassin ribbon things, but one of them came off that night."
"That's right, that must've been when he fell." Rayla was crying now, and i could feel my own tears begin to spill.
"'Fell?'" Ezran asked
"Yes" she replied
"'Fell? He didn't fall rayla. He didnt trip and land on the ground. He got killed!"
Rayla looked away still crying.
Ezran gasped.
"I'm sorry cub." I said
"Callum, does he know yet?" Ezran asked looking down at his still ailing brother.
"He does" i replied
Ezran took a pause.
"I'm going for a walk." He said marching out of the cave or at least trying to before Corvus stopped him.
"I can't let you go alone" he said standing up.
"If i am the king, then you have to let me go." He said pulling the king card.
Corvus moved aside.
"You're not my king." Rayla said softly as she stood up and turned toward ez, "but you are my friend, and im coming with you."
Ezran breathed deeply.
"Rayla, please. Just let me go be alone. Please."
Before she could deny, i used my tail to stop her.
"He'll be fine, he just needs some time" i told her as i turned back into an elf.
As i did so, zym jumped out and tried to run towards ezran but Bait stopped him by biting his tail.
"Not now cub, i know you want to be there for your friend but now is not the moment." I said walking up to him and picking him up in my arms.
Zym settled down with a whimper.
We all watched ezran walk away.
After he left, Corvus spoke up.
"Are we not going to address the fact that she was a dragon a few moments ago?" He asked.
"No." Rayla replied sourly.
Rayla, me, and zym sat down around callum watching over him in the mean time. After a few minutes, zym settled down to take a nap and i settled down next to him to try the same thing. Keyword tried. Ever since ez left, Corvus was annoyingly pacing around and Just Would. Not. Stop.
"The king is missing!" He suddenly, and loudly, spoke up.
"He's not missing, he just went for a walk." Rayla replied.
"And he hasn't returned, and we don't know where he is."
'Speak for yourself...' i grumbled in dragon.
"Right." Rayla said.
"That is the definition of missing!" Corvus replied.
"Yeah, yeah, you're right. He's missing" rayla gave in
"You shouldn't have let him go. We need to find him." Corvus...
"Hey! If anyone here let him go, it was you. Unlike you, we have no duties to stop him. Besides, isn't your whole thing tracking people?" I spoke up annoyed and just wanting to sleep.
"Yes. I shall bring the king back safely. You have my word."
'Knock yourself out. I'm taking a nap.'
"Ooh, we have his word" Rayla mocked.
I finally was able to fall asleep. And as soon as i did i heard Corvus come back.
Rayla stood up and started walking toward him and as tempted i was to fall back asleep, this had to do with Ezran so i had to at least try. And i did try, but i failed.
"What's wrong? What happened? Did you lose his trail?" Rayla asked.
"No. It's worse than that."
That put me in alert. Slowly, i drowsily waddled after them.
"What do you mean?" Rayla asked.
I sat down next to her and yawned.
"King ezran's trail ends very clearly, very badly. His footprints are replaced by banther tracks! The king's been eaten by a banther!"
'Is seriously interrupted my nap for this? This stupid human...'
Rayla gasped dramatically and then burst out laughing. I rolled my eyes and went back to my spot.
"Great job. You've lost the king of katolis" rayla mocked.
"This isn't funny! Why are you laughing?"
'Shut uppppp'
I covered my ears with my paws.
Rayla sighed.
"Your king happens to be a very special boy. He can talk to animals. So if there are banther tracks, it means ezran caught a ride on the banther, not in the banther." She kept laughing.
She then walked back next to me and laid down on my side making sure not to put weight on my injured wing.
After a few minutes of my nap i was once again interrupted. This time by callum accidentally punching my injured wing in his sleep. I woke up with a jump taking zym and rayla with me. I transformed back into my elf form giving up on rest anytime soon.
"What happened?" Rayla asked alert and with her swords out.
"The dumbass mage just hit my wing!"
Callum suddenly started shaking again and panting.
"You messed with something you shouldn't have messed with, and now you're paying the price" she chastised callum.
"I doubt he can hear you." I replied to her.
"I know he can't hear me!" She yelled.
"Help!" Callum interrupted. Still asleep mind you. "Help."
Rayla looked sad now and i sighed.
"You'll get through this," Rayla said putting a wet towel to his forehead.
"You big dumb human," she continued.
Callum then scared us again when he started writhing and gasping for air.
"Callum are you okay?" Rayla asked scared.
She started shaking him.
"Callum!" She yelled.
I pulled her off him.
"Rayla stop. He will be okay, but not if you shake him like a maraca!"
A/n: I haven't gone through this episode spell checking it so ignore that. I just know you guys like not waiting so ill post it now and edit it sometime soonish.

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