Sol Regem

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Long ago, before I was born, when Xadia was one land. Sol Regem was king of the dragons when humans learnt of dark magic. Sol Regem summoned the human's dark mage in order to make him renounce his magic and stop his cruelty. However, the human's mage was spiteful and he refused to rid himself of dark magic believing that if he gave it up, humans would starve and struggle and that they would be seen as lesser beings. Sol Regem disliked humans, and while he was right to hate them, he insulted the dark mage. The dark mage got angry and sol regem told him to stand down. The human refused and lied about the origins of his dark power enraging sol regem. Since the humans refused to rid themselves of their magic, sol regem decided to instead rid xadia of the humans. Sol regem was not a patient king and he paid for his impatience dearly. Before he could burn down the city of elarion, the human mage used dark magic to cast a spell upon sol regem. Sol used his fire to turn the dark mage to ash but the magic the human used before he died burned sol regem's eyes leaving him blind.
And now, we stood near the scorned ex-king, trying to cross into xadia.
"Thats no ordinary dragon" rayla said.
We were hiding from sol behind some rocks.
"Is there even such a thing as an ordinary dragon?" Callum asked.
"His name is sol regem, the sun king. He was the king of the dragons a long time ago, before my father, but he was blinded by a dark mage when the wars began. And now he is a symbol of rage and bitterness...aaaaand he kinda has a vendetta against me..." i explained.
"Okay, so, and enormous, angry, blind dragon is blocking our path to Xadia and you cant pull the princess card on him, what do we do?" Callum asked.
"Well, we can't fight him, seeing as you've just got your cute blow spell, (y/n) is out of magic, and my swords aren't fit to be his toothpicks." Rayla said, she thought for a bit and gasped, "we just have to sneak past him."
"You cant be serious" i said
Rayla ignored me.
"Callum, its time for you to get your first lesson in the ways of stealth." Rayla said elbowing Callum.
"Nice!" Callum said excited, "I...I mean, Nice." Callum corrected himself making his voice deeper and covering his face with his scarf.
Rayla and I rolled our eyes.
"The secret of stealth is that you don't have to be invisible . You just have to be invisible to your enemys senses."
"Well hes blind, so we dont need to worry about his sense of sight."
"Exactly. That leaves only two senses we need to fool, hearing, and smell."
Callum though for a second.
"Wait, why are those the only two senses we need to worry about?" He asked.
"Well, if it gets to his sense of touch, we're in big trouble" rayla replied
"And sense of taste, you're already dead" i added.
Callum looked traumatized.
"Got it" he said, "all this stuff about senses and appearances, it kinda sounds like moon arcanum stuff." He commented
"If you say so, mage" rayla replied.
Callum stood up and joined us carrying Zym.
Sol regency roared loudly at some birds that flew over him scaring Zym who began whimpering and struggling in callum's arms.
"He is scary, i don't want to be here" he said fighting against callum's hold.
"Come on callum, try to keep him quiet." Rayla complained
I decided to try and calm him down.
"Don't worry zym, he wont hurt us, don't be scared"
"I don't care, i want Ezran" he cried.
"I know buddy, but you have to be brave"
"I don't want to!" He said as he continued struggling and ended up hiding himself under his wings.
"I know, it's just..." callum sighed, "ezran would know how to calm you down wouldn't he?"
Zym stopped cowering under his wings and whimpered looking up at callum.
"We just need to trust each other, okay?" He said looking down at Zym, "I've got you"
"We've got you" I added.
Zym whined but calmed down.
Rayla started giving us hand signals and we began our new mission: sneak into Xadia.
Rayla and I went first with callum still carrying Zym following our lead.
As we got closer to sol, he looked up and growled causing us to stop. He started looking around and we all let out a sigh of relief. We kept going.
As he continued searching, we hid behind a rock.
Zym started to whimper again and callum put his hand over his mouth.
Sol calmed down and Rayla gave us more hand signals to follow her lead.
She jumped from rock to rock hiding the noise of her jumps with the wind and i went after her. We stopped right in front of sol and signaled to callum to come.
He started fast walking over and he was doing well until he almost tripped and made a loud sound. He paused in fear and looked up to gauge sol's reaction. Sol kept growling softly and looking around but it seemed as if he hadn't noticed so we signaled to callum to keep going.
As they cam closer and closer to us, i could tell Zym was growing worried. Something caused Zym to flip out and he once again started whimpering and struggling causing callum to exclaim as he tried to hold him back. All the noise caught sol's attention and he looked directly at where the noise was coming from with a growl. Zym kept struggling and trying to fly away so i ran over to try and help callum, but just as I reacted them, Zym slipped out of callum's arms and ran away.
Callum was going to go after him but Rayla grabbed him and pulled him back. She wasn't able to grab both of us however so i turned into my dragon form and ran after Zym trying to grab him with my mouth.
He ran until he hit a rock and tripped whimpering again. I took my change and grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and hid with him behind a rock holding him under my wing.
Rayla and callum threw a rock and distracted sol Regem leading him away from us. They signaled for us to come over so i started nudging zym forward with my snout. He took a few steps and started flying towards him with me in tow but his flying alerted sol of our presence and he growled directly at us causing zym to fall to the ground and cower.
Sol got ready to launch a fire attack at us so i grabbed Zym and all four of us ran away from sol and jumped away from his attack and behind a rock.
I turned back human and callum picked Zym up from the ground.
"What now?" He asked me and Rayla while panting.
"Give me a minute, i need to think" Rayla replied as she looked through the rocks at sol.
"Do we run for it?" Callum tried.
"Are you crazy?!" I replied
"Yeah, We'll never make it, he'll just bite us in half or slam us with his tail."  Rayla added
"So, sneaking is out, running is out, fighting is out, what's left?" Callum asked.
"Burning to death?" Rayla asked.
"Definitely out" Callum replied.
I looked over at sol and groaned.
"Looks like it's down to our least favorite course of action" i said looking at Rayla "reason"
Rayla's face dropped.
"I think it's better if you do the talking, he kinda sorta despises me with his whole being" i whispered at Rayla.
Rayla gulped and stood up walking towards Sol Regem.
"Mighty Sol Regem, i am rayla of the moon shadow elves." She said as she took a bow in front of sol.
Sol's head came down and sniffed her out.
"What are you doing?" Sol asked her.
"Uh...I'm bowing great dragon" rayla replied
"No," sol growled, "I mean, why are you here?"
"We have been traveling in the human kingdoms on the business of Zubeia, the dragon Queen. We humbly ask your permission to cross back into Xadia." Rayla
"What kind of business would send you to the wretched human lands?" Sol asked lowering his head towards her once again.
"We are transporting something precious, someone precious. The new born Dragon prince, Azymondias and the dragon princess (y/n)!" She announced.
"Lies!" Sol roared, "you dare lie to me?! The egg of the dragon King was destroyed and the so-called dragon princess was killed!"
"No, wait! She isn't lying!" I yelled running out from behind the rock and putting myself in between sol and Rayla"
Sol growled at me
"Hi there Sol...long time no see, ha ha" i laughed nervously.
He growled even louder
"Crap, sorry."
"But hey, look, I have a brother now!"
I signaled at Rayla to go get him and she ran over, got him and ran back. I could hear him whimper from where i was standing.
"Yeah, so the dragon prince is alive! And he is very cute, and looks a lot like my father so even though you don't think i am the rightful princess you can't deny he is the rightful prince so you have to let us through!" I rambled trying to convince a very angry and very big dragon.
Sol lowered his head and sniffed at Zym.
"How is this possible? How are you alive?"
"It is a miracle! They need to go back to their home" Rayla spoke up for me noticing my nervousness, "Please, allow us to pass so we can reunite the dragon prince and princess with their mother."
Sol lifted his head and sighed as he thought for a second.
"I do not understand how they came to be in the human lands. However, I will allow you, (Y/n), and the dragon king to pass back int Xadia. But not the filthy human who cowers nearby."
Callum sighed.
"Sol Regem," me and Rayla began at the same time
"It's okay, you go on without me."
"No! Callum, we are so close!" Rayla argued running over to callum.
"Rayla, getting Zym and (y/n) to Xadia is all that matters."
Zym whined.
"Just tell the dragon queen i helped...a little. I'll go back home." Callum said as he began to walk away.
Sol Regem started to laugh.
"Home? No. There are two choices. You all die, or just the wretched, evil human dies."
"I agree with you Sol Regem. Some humans are evil, very evil. They hurt and kill and maim, but not this one. Callum is my friend, he saved my life. The only reason me and Azymondias are alive is thanks to this human. He left his home and his family to help us, and he sacrificed everything so that Azymondias could survive. He is noble and true unlike many other humans I have met since my father died. He changed my view on humans and for that i will be forever thankful. When we met, he had many opportunities to have us captured or killed but he didn't because without knowing anything about me or Zym or Rayla, he saw past human hatred and did what he knew was right. And now you have the opportunity to do the same. So please, even though you do not like me, allow us all to pass into Xadia and help me and Azymondias get back home. Please Sol Regem, I am begging you."
Sol lowered his head and sniffed then he grew angry.
"I smell death!" He yelled.
"What? No, Callum is different." Rayla tried to argue.
"I smell the reek of dark magic and dragon blood on him. He's no different. He rips the life and magic of innocent creatures. He must die."
Sol Regem got ready to attack again and we hid behind the rocks hoping for the best.
Callum set Zym down.
"I'm sorry (y.n) and Rayla. But if me dying is the only way for you three to get across safely, then it's time for me to face the end."
"Calm down!" Rayla said
"Yeah, Callum , don't be ridiculous. He can't use his fire breath yet, he can only do it every few minutes. He needs time to recharge. So we are safe, well, for now." I explained.
"Wait, we can't hide from his senses, but maybe we can trick them, create a false appearance, after all, we can only truly know the appearance itself."
"You have been spending too much time with Luejanne" i commented.
"Yeah, you're starting to sound like her" Rayla added.
"Wow, really?" Callum asked happy.
"That is not a good thing." I added
"Here's the idea, i can use aspire to blow my scent to a different place, like, like ventriloquism but with smells! Smelltriloquism!"
"It's a stupid idea." Rayla said." But, there might be something to it..."
Suddenly Sol Regem yelled out "time is up!" As he stood up and started looking for us.
"Give me your scarf!" Rayla told callum, "if i wear it, ill smell like you and I'll draw his fire! Once he uses his blast, you, (y/n), adn zym make a run for it while i keep him busy."
"This is the worst idea you've ever had, he's gonna burn you to a crisp!"
"Yeah, Rayla, i don't think i like this plan."
"He won't hurt me, I'm faster than him!"
"Faster than a gigantic dragon? Are you hearing yourself!" I exclaimed
"And besides, it's the only chance we've got"
Callum took off his scarf.
"I haven't bathed in two weeks. This should do the trick" he said rubbing the scarf under his arm pit and passing it to rayla.
"We are going to have to talk about hygiene after this is all over callum" i mentioned.
Rayla grabbed the scarf and sniffed it. She held back a gag and started coughing.
"Right?" Callum asked happily
Rayla looked at him deadpan and put on the scarf.
"Here goes nothing" she said, getting ready to distract Sol Regem. Callum went up to her and started dusting the scarf. Those two love birds were going to be the death of me.
Sol Regem found us and roared, so Rayla got ready to make a run for it. She ran away from sol Regem and he chased after stepping over the rocks we were hiding behind. I turned into a dragon and callum climbed on my back. I grabbed Zym in my mouth and started running to the opposite side. We hid behind some other rocks while i caught my breath.
"Come on Rayla, come on." Callum muttered looking back at where Rayla was.
"Foolish human!" Sol roared.
He shot a fire blast at Rayla and it nearly got her but she was able to dodge it just in time.
Callum waved at her now that she was closer to us. And just as we thought it was over, rocks started collapsing over Rayla. The rocks and fell and i thouhgt rayla was dead, but just as i was ready to start mourning her, there was movement from under the rocks. Rayla managed to climb out from under them and surprisingly she looked uninjured. I started running towards her, but she stopped me with hand signals pointing at sol, who was still roaring nearby. Callum made me turn around by my horns and i had to go back and hide.
Sol was getting closer to Rayla and she was stuck in the pile of rocks. I was thinking of things I could do to help but callum beat me to it.
"That arch...what if we get him stuck in it?"
I nodded at him, his plan had a real shot at working.
Callum signaled at Rayla and whispered for her to throw the scarf at us.
Rayla looked confused and sol was quickly approaching.
She struggled more with the rocks but it was futile.
Callum drew aspiro and signaled at her again, this seemed to help her understand what we wanted her to do. She took off the scarf and threw it at callum. Sol's attention was quickly drawn away from Rayla and Callum cast his spell blowing the stinky scarf through the arch. Sol Regem chased after it and callum's plan worked. Sol regem was trapped and we could now be on our way. I ran towards Rayla and we helped her get unstuck.
"That was amazing! Too close, but amazing!" Callum exclaimed.
"Relax," Rayla replied, "I'm only slightly singed."
"Good thinking with aspiro" i complimented Callum now out of my dragon form and holding zym in my arms.
Sol Regem kept roaring and started struggling with the arch making dust and rocks fly everywhere.
"We better get moving, that arch isn't going to hold him forever!" I said.
"Yeah, lets get out of here before 'too close' becomes 'too late'" Rayla added
We started running away from sol and Rayla noticed the scarf on the ground so she went to pick it up.
"Thanks for letting me borrow this. I think it's good luck." She said to Callum, putting on the scarf.
as we ran, Zym jumped off my back and when I looked back towards him, he was kicking dirt at sol.
i started laughing.
"Come on little one!"
Zym chirped and started running with us again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2022 ⏰

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