My pabo 1

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My pabo

"excuse me... "
His little finger tap slowly on the man who sleep soundly beside him.

"Sir... W..would you mind... "

ignoring the little one next to him.. The boy yawn and stretch lazily. But still.. His eyes refuse to open.

"the professor asked about you..because you sleep in his class...and I said that you not well but still eager to attend.." the boy smile proudly and waiting for my response.

I sigh heavily.
"then..what you want me to do. Congrats you lying for me?"

The boy shocked and annoyed in the same time.

"we will team up together for a thesis.." he said in low tone while his cute finger start busy searching for something in his backpack. He wrote something in the piece of paper and give  it to me.

With small laugh.. I take it roughly.
"do you have to wake me up just because of this shit.. " I ask grumpily.  I hate when my beauty sleep been distracted by something that not important at all.

He sigh and low his head.
"I'm sorry. I.. I have to... "

"yeah... You better have a good reason next time mochi.. "
Mochi?  He bit his lip and make a face... Dislike when I give him a name-call.
I scratch my neck. It's not polite to give a name call to someone...

"I mean.. Look at you. You mochi... " I'm lost my words when I saw he smile brightly..just like an angel..

"you head was heavy... Like a ton of stone.. "
Wait a second... Did he pick a fight right now.
"and you snoring... Huh! Even though it's not to loud... But still distracted me.. "
What the h..
"my shoulder might be dislocated..and I have to postpone to get to washroom..." he started complaining with his small lump mouth.


He stop talking when he heard my angry voice.  I whip up his face with my angry eyes.
He put down his head..afraid to meet my eyes.

"my stone heavy snore..and even my beauty sleep... Does it bother you?"

He bit his lip again.
"a..actually y..yes.." slowly he answer back to me.


He lift his head and his beauty brown eyes meet my eyes without any hesitate.
This time..I choked with my own saliva.

" just like said.. I want to go to restroom... But sadly...Your heavy head was stuck on my shoulder...for hours.. "

My face felt hot... Embarrass
"I tried to wake you up.. But you replied me by snoring.. "
"next time.. Bring your own pillow and blanket and stop used my shoulder as your pillow.... "
He rose his feet and match to the door with small smirk on his cute face.

Silly me.. I started blame myself and wipe down my sweat.
I feel so embarrassed just now.. And still feel heat on my face.
I grab a paper that he gave to me before and I laugh annoyingly. That boy... I should give him a lesson... Maybe a punch on his cute angelic face.
How dare he wrote this..
Pabo!!!! 😜

💜 MY PABO (YOONMIN)  [[COMPLETE]]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat