Chapter 21

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It's been 2 weeks since I've seen Harry and Zayn which is probably because I've been avoiding the both of them. Nialls been staying with me and it's been incredible. He's so supportive and understanding.

I'm 7 weeks now and I've been getting morning sickness a lot and Niall says I'm starting to get mood swings but I disagree.

I've been really distracted in class and am constantly zoning out like right now. I'm supposed to be listening to my geography teacher but instead I'm thinking about how my dad's coming back to visit in a month and I'll have to break the news that I got pregnant.

I have no idea how he's going to react and I'm scared and worried that he'll stop letting me live on my own. 


"What?" I say snapping out of my trance and notice my teacher in front of me and all the other desks empty.

"Class finished. It's time to go home. Are you okay?" He asks, concerned which I don't blame him. I sat staring at the board for who knows how long.

"Uhh... Yeah I'm fine. Just a bit tired I guess." I say while grabbing my books and heading out of the classroom and to Nialls car. I spot him standing next to it and he grins from ear to eat when he sees me. Like a true gentleman he opens my door for me and I can see all the girls watching in jealousy.

When he gets in the car he slips his hand into mine before starting the car and getting out of the parking lot.

We start driving down a road that isn't the way to my place. "Niall where are we going?" I ask and turn to face him. "We're going to my place to tell my family about the baby." He said calmly.

"But Niall. This baby could be Harry's or Zayn's and then what? You're going to tell them and have them be angry for no reason." I don't like having to say it but it's a real possibility.

We pull into his driveway when he turns to face me. "Avery I already told you this. Even if this child turns out to not be mine biologically it won't change anything and I will still tell my family that this baby is mine. Im still going to love them like I would if I was biologically the father. I love this baby....our baby." He reached out his fingers to wipe the tears I hadn't realised I shed.

"I love you Niall" I said while leaning forward to kiss him. Just before our lips met he whispered "I love you too."

We went inside and no one was home so we put on a movie and got comfy. Niall wrapped his arms around me an pulled me to his chest.

Just after the movie finished we hear the front door open and a man and women's voice which obviously belongs to his parents.

"Can you guys come in here" Niall shouted and then turned to me. "You ready?" He asked whilst grasping my hand. "As ready as I'll ever be" I replied just as his parents say down on the couch across from ours.

"Mum, dad this is Avery and we have something to tell you..." He said and trailed off. He gave my hand a squeeze and I knew he was nervous so I decided to step in. I look to his parents and see ten looking curious so I just blurt out "I'm pregnant" and waited for their reaction.

They looked full of disappointment.

His dad stands up and opens his mouth "you're pregnant with my sons baby?" Before I can respond Niall jumps up "yes she is."

One Direction and MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon