Chapter 14

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On Tuesday morning I wake up and check my phone, I've slept in and schools already started but I have a text from Francesca saying that she knows I'm sick and I'm free to stay home. Slowly I roll out of bed and make my way to the kitchen while trying to push thoughts of Friday night out of my head. Francesca left a bowl of chicken soup in the fridge and must have brought it up while I was sleeping. There's a note sitting on top of it saying 'get well soon' I'm surprised she's done this after being so mad at me when I came home after the party.
When I'm eating my warmed up soup I remember that I haven't spoken to Harry in a few days so I text him.
"I miss you" I send it even though I know he's at school and may not reply.
I'm surprised when he replies after only a minute. "really? I feel like you've been ignoring me."
"I'm sorry if it's seemed like that I just have had a lot on my mind over the last few days."
"If you want someone to talk to, I'm here" he replies.
"Thanks." I text, ending the conversation. Later I go to have a bath so I can relax and let my thoughts leave my head.
After fifteen minutes I hear a loud knocking at the door. I quickly jump out, wrap my body in a towel and take half the bath water with me. Whoever is outside couldn't have picked a worse time to come.
I open the door to see Zayn leaning against the wall. Straight away I feel anger rushing through me. "Why are you here? Leave."
He takes a step closer. "Well maybe I'll keep your bracelet." He says swinging a gold chain around his finger. I grab it quickly. "Where did you get this?"
"I found it caught on my jacket and thought I'd return it." He explains, not giving me the information I want.
"How did it get on your jacket?"
"What do you mean? how do you not know?" He says looking annoyed.
"Know what?!" I yell. I don't want to play any games with him, I don't even want to be around him. My mind is blank and I have no clue what he's talking about but in a second it all comes rushing back to me. Kissing my neck and touching me all over, it was all Zayn. And it makes me feel sick to my stomach. "You have to go." I say when I feel breakfast coming up. I turn shutting the door and running to the bathroom.
I throw up everything in my stomach and rest my back against the bath.
After I wipe my mouth I go into the lounge room to see Zayn sitting on the couch. "Get out"
"No" that's all he responded with. He just sat there looking at me. "GET OUT!" I scream but he doesn't budge. He just continues to stare for a few more minutes until I feel defeated and storm into the kitchen to get a drink.
"Why are you so mad at me?" Zayn asked as he entered the kitchen. "You seriously have to ask that? First, you take me on a date and be all nice for me to catch you kissing another girl and then you take advantage of me at a party and leave the next morning! Geez I wonder why I'm mad at you!"
"First off, the girl you saw me kissing is a one night stand from a while back that's been in love with me. She just came up to me and kissed me. You obviously didn't see me push her off. Secondly, I didn't make you do anything you didn't want to at that party. You were more than willing." He finished with a wink, making me feel disgusted.
"At least tell me you used protection." I pleaded hopefully. He just frowned "I uhh.... I don't know" he finally admitted. "What do you mean you don't know? How could you not know??!" "Well I wasn't exactly sober either..."
"Oh my God" I whispered while pulling on my hair. "Please just leave. I don't want to deal with you at the moment" I barely said above a whisper. This time Zayn didn't argue. He grabbed his jacket and walked out the door but turned around just before I closed it. "Just so you know, I asked you out because I actually like you and I still do. Whatever happens, I'm here."
After that I got in bed and just laid there. I didn't go to sleep or watch TV. I just lay in bed staring at the ceiling playing out all the possible scenarios that my future may hold and eventually drifting into a restless and uncomfortable sleep.

One Direction and MeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt