Chapter 1

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I wake up to Marlee banging on my front door screaming "GET UP LAZY WOMAN!" I groan, rolling out of my bed and slowly walk towards the door. As I turn the door knob Marlee barges through and makes herself at home. "we're going to be late if you don't hurry up and get ready" "I know. I'll get ready now."

I go into my bathroom and put on the outfit I set out last night, a floral dress with brown sandals and a white cardigan. My natural brown curls fall mid waist. Grabbing my bag Marlee and I run out the door and into the elevator.

Once were out of the elevator we quickly get into Marlee's car and arrive at Goldwood high fifteen minutes later to see the usual bunch of kids sitting on the grass out the front. we get out of the car and walk over to be greeted by our friends then head to our lockers. As I'm getting my books out of my locker I see Harry Styles, the school bad boy walking past without a care in the world. He's wearing his signature white t shirt that shows off his tattoos with black skinny jeans and is holding his black leather jacket. "Avery you really need to get over him" said Marlee with a sigh "he's just so amazing but he doesn't even know I exist" I mumbled going back to retrieving my books. I turned around only to bump into someone and drop all of my books "just perfect" I whispered as I bent down to retrieve them. "Here let me help you," and the person who had knocked me over was the one and only Zayn. He's the school outcast, always keeping to himself. He really has that 'mysterious guy' vibe going on. "I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" he mumbled. "It's fine. Don't worry about it" I assure him. "You're Avery, right? I always see you around" "umm... Yeah" I awkwardly replied. As you can tell I'm pretty shy about these things. "I'm Zayn" "ok". I didn't mean to sound rude but I was already late to class and this was really weird. "Well I hope I'll be seeing you around soon" Zayn said with a wink and like that, he was gone.

"I just had the weirdest thing happen to me" I said to Eleanor while taking my seat in class next to her. "Really, what happened?" "You know that Zayn guy? Well I think he was flirting with me" "well he's a cutie. You should go for it" I was about to respond but then the teacher cut me off "Everyone please be quiet. We have a new student joining us today. This is Louis Tomlinson" there stood a boy with brown hair and a cheeky smile. "Hi everyone" was all he said before moving to take a seat. "He's so adorable. I want one" whispered Eleanor. Laughing silently while shaking my head I opened the book to start my work.


"Finally it's lunch" I groaned in relief "I know. I'm so hungry. I'll meet you in the lunch room" Eleanor then walked away to her locker. Putting my own books away I began to walk to the lunch room and take my usual seat with my friends. "There's this new guy in our history class and he's so dreamy. I think I'm in love...." Gushed Eleanor. *cough* "I was wondering if I could sit with you?" As we all slowly looked to see Louis standing there awkwardly holding his lunch tray we nodded our heads. "Sure. This is Stephanie, Lisa, Marlee and Eleanor." I said whilst pointing at each girl. "It's nice to meet you girls." We began chatting when one of our other friends Niall walked over with his tray "well this is different.... I'm Niall by the way" "hey I'm Louis. It's good to meet you." We all continued talking until we heard shouting and all turned to see......

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