Chapter 12

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I wake up with a massive pounding in my head. Looking around the room it takes me a few moments to remember, I'm in James' house and his party was last night. Before I can think of anything else I'm rushing to the connected bathroom and throwing my guts up. When I'm done and sprawled over the toilet seat I realise that I'm completely naked. I look around for something to cover myself with and grab a towel lying nearby.
I wrap it around me, wash the vomit of my mouth and check outside the bathroom door to make sure there's no one else sleeping in the room.
Creeping out I pick up my clothes one by one and run back into the bathroom hoping that no one will walk in the bedroom. After I'm dressed the realisation that I had sex last night is like a slap in the face. I know it happened but I just can't place my finger on who it happened with, god I hope it was Harry and not some random boy who chatted up my drunken self.
I try and think of an escape plan but nothing comes to mind, there's no way out I'll just have to do the walk of shame and hope everyone who stayed the night is still asleep in one of the many bedrooms of James' house.
I exit the room and take the steps two at a time leading towards the front door, I look both ways at the bottom and decide I'm in the clear. When I'm turning the door handle I feel a hand on my shoulder and freeze, I knew it wouldn't be easy to leave without being caught. I turn slowly to see Harry worriedly looking at me.
"Where we're you last night? You left me and I was looking for you for the rest of the night."
"I uh got sick and ran upstairs to throw up and I felt too sick to come back to I crashed in the room, I'm sorry." I'm not entirely lying, I was sick and I did sleep in the room.
"Oh well I hope you feel better." He says kissing me on the cheek.
"Thanks, I'll text you later"
I turn and leave. As I'm hopping in my car I try and think of who I was around last night, I know it wasn't Harry. Was Liam there?.. I decide ill text him when I get home and ask him if he was there.
The whole drive home I can't stop thinking about who the guy was. I lost my virginity and I can't remember anything about it. I pull into the car park and take the elevator up to my apartment. I open the door and am greeted by Francesca and she did not look happy.
"So I stopped by last night to make sure you were ok and you weren't here. You're coming home at 8 in the morning and didn't even tell me! Where have you been?" "I was at a small party and decided to stay the night." I tried to be casual and pull my dress down a tad to make it a bit longer but it didn't work. "You went to a party dressed like that?!" She was full on shouting. "It's not that bad. It won't happen again." "Your damn right it won't happen again because I'll call your father and you'll have to live with him!" "I promise it won't happen again." She stormed out of my apartment slamming the door behind her.
I walk into my bathroom and peel off my clothes from yesterday and begin my shower. I'm so tired and feel dirty no matter how much I scrub myself. I'm in the middle of washing my hair when I get a flashback from last night. I remember his hands running through my hair and whispering in my ear. It sends a shiver through my body so I turn the shower off and wrap myself in my big fluffy towel. It's only 8:40am but I put my pyjamas on because I feel like having a lazy day.
At about 12:30pm I've ordered a pizza and just waiting for it to show up while watching reruns of friends when there's a knock on the door. Yes... My pizza is finally here. I open the door and am face to face with Niall holding a pizza.
"Is that mine?" He just nods. "How did you get my pizza?" "I saw the delivery guy coming up and offered to take it and paid him for it." "What a stupid delivery guy." Niall laughed and walked in. "I heard you had a rough night." He said while taking a seat on the couch and eating a slice of pizza. I take a seat next to him and begin eating it while occasionally laughing at something joey says on the TV.
Niall ends up staying all night playing various board games like monopoly, uno and scrabble, Niall was particularly awful at scrabble and continuously tried to make up words and give them meanings.
It was great spending time with Niall. He really makes me laugh and forget about all the drama that has been occurring in my life recently.
"Hey Niall?" "Yeah?" We're currently sprawled across my couch with my legs resting in his lap. "Thanks for today. I really needed it. You're a great friend" "yeah... Friend." Niall went home at about 1:30am. I really have to spend more time with him.
As I'm working around my apartment cleaning here and there I get another flashback. This time you can hear our moans in the background followed by him saying my name. I can vaguely recognise the voice but I just can't put my finger on it.
I'm so tired I head to bed and dream about the mystery man who took my virginity and left me in the dark. I really hope once I find out who it is I won't be disappointed.

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