"Enough!" The voice boomed. Alice felt the beam of goodness being ripped from out of her and recoiled at the thought of it being in her. She clutched her arms and shivered, feeling thoroughly disgusted.

"Dirty angel hoe!" She screeched and stood up, disgusted. The angel that stood there had long black hair that flowed like a shiny curtain around her shoulders. She wore a leather coat and trousers with a red t-shirt and high-heeled boots.

"Jan-Jan! How lovely to see you!" Alice exclaimed in mock-happiness at the angel that had, regrettably, saved her. 

"It's Janvir. Or Nicoli if you can't manage it" The angel sneered in reply, obviously she'd only saved her for the benefit of Christine's soul. Alice didn't care so much. She was alive, that was the main thing. 

"Hmm, I prefer goody-goody angel bitch" Alice replied, pretending to think about it. Nicoli had an unimpressed look on her face.

"The same horrendous demon humour" She stated emotionlessly. The intense hatred the three held between them was so thick you could almost smell it.

"Wow, it seems all of my brother's bitches are here to greet me! Well ladies I've got the message, you like me now but I hate you. Sin and then maybe I'll think about giving you a chance" Christine and Nicoli shared a look at Alice's speech. Alice found humour in how Christine was trying to pretend that she hadn't just tried to kill her just because Nicoli was there. 

"We'll never sin, Alice. It is for common folk like you" Christine spat, as though she were above such things. Alice knew better.

"Common? The only thing common I see is following rules. Rules are made to broken" Alice assured, wanting only to annoy Christine, it seemed to be working.

"So is your neck" 

"Chris!" Nicoli scolded, Christine bowed her head and muttered an apology. Alice laughed and clapped at the scene.

"Pathetic!" Both angels looked upon Alice with a hint of a glare. They were not allowed to hate but that didn't mean that they never did.

"You need to be serious about this, Alice" 

"About what? Why are you actually here? The hatred is mutual. Why bother?" Christine seemed to be angered and Alice knew that if Nicoli were not there Christine would take hell for killing her any day.

"Alice, the only reason we have not taken action is because you and Edward are the only ones who can end this loop. Take this new life, part ways and kill each other no more" Nicoli said. Nicoli was very good at what she did. It was an impressive speech, very cleverly worded.  It would have worked if Alice wasn't so hell-bent on ending her brother.

"Taken action? By doing what, praying?" Alice laughed, liking the idea of them damning themselves to hurt her.

"You couldn't do anything if you tried!" Nicoli breathed out in disappointment, she wasn't even full demon, she could still be saved, she just chose not to want to.

"Alice, this eternal loop is unnatural, it's causing war amongst angels!" Christine exclaimed, as though it was going to change Alice's mind. Fat chance.

"Good. You goody-goodies deserve a bit of slapping up" Alice replied, much to the annoyance of the two angels in front of her.

"Alice, take this situation seriously! Do you not want this cycle to end?" Christine asked. Alice paused, for the first time in the conversation she seemed to actually listen to what either of them had to say.

"You must take the right action to end it!"

"Christine, you underestimate me. Of course I want this cycle to end and I will act accordingly to end it" She watched the uncertainty pass across the angel's faces.

"The only possible solution I see is to have Edward killed"

"Alice, that will not work. You are destined to end each other's lives every one hundred years until the link is broken! Only one of you two can do that!" Nicoli assured. Due to the ties Nicoli had with her brother and also the fact she was an angel, Alice refused to trust her.

"No, you are mistaken. We are not destined to end each other's lives. We are destined to be the only ones able to end each other's lives" Alice asserted.

"I will kill Edward. He will be the only one dying this time" Both angels sighed dramatically. Drama queens.

"Alice, you must understa-"

"You came here to illicit peace or whatever. Yeah, you'll have your peace when my brother is dead" Alice watched the disappointment and hatred flood through both of their faces. At that moment the three women seemed to accept that this year was going to be different from the rest. An ending was on the horizon and for it to be the ending, they'd have to fight.

"Very well. Edward happens to be very close friend of ours. If only one of you must die it will be you"

"Bring it on" Alice grinned. The girls then sprouted their wings and flew into the air, leaving with their signature single glance before ignoring her as though she wasn't there.. Alice merely laughed at them. They had the cheek to threaten her? A shiver then travelled down her spine as she remembered the goodness that Christine had given her. She'd blessed her! That would've killed her were she full demon! Alice coughed and growled, feeling disgusted that Christine had even tried that. 'I hope she gets her wings ripped off' She thought before bringing her wings back out and taking flight once again. What's the best thing for a demon to do after being filled with blessing?


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