Chapter 10: The Wedding Planner

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        I opened my eyes to a brand new, cold day. I took a deep breath in of the crisp morning air, and stretched my arms. I rubbed my eyes, clearing them of any sleep(eye boogers). My vision focused on what I was not expecting to be a blue sky full of puffy white clouds.  I sprang up, panicking. What would mother think? Or Kazumi? Or father? Glimpses of the night before flooded back into my memory. How could I kiss him? I was getting married! I checked my phone. 10:37 a.m. it read. There was no way everybody could still be asleep!

        "Klein! Klein!" I whisper/yelled, trying to wake him up peacefully. He wouldn't wake up. I frantically searched his car for a pen and paper to write a note explaining where I went. I sprinted home on my jelly legs. It's surprising  how fast you can do something when you're freaking out!

        I arrived at my house out of breath. I fell on my knees trying to catch it. "Well, well, well. Looky here." I looked up at Fumio. "Your hair is a mess, your clothes look frazzled, and you came back late. Anything you want to share about what happened last night?" he asked, waggling his eyebrows and grinning. 

        "Shut up!" I exclaimed. Fumio giggled and started walking upstairs. "Fumio, wait!" I called, still frantic about mother and father. I followed Fumio up to his room. "Where are--" I was caught off guard by a picture on his desk. A flashback in my mind occurred to when he introduced me to Akemi Suzuki. Fumio noticed me looking at her and smiled. 

        "Where are mother and father?"  I asked. Fumio typed his computer password and sighed. 

       "You lucky duck. Mom and dad went out to breakfast with some weird lady. I covered for you." A wave of relief washed over me and I grasped Fumio in a hug.

        "Thank you!" I exclaimed. He nodded to say 'you're welcome'.

        "You'd better get into your bed. Mom and dad should be back any--" the door opened and I heard mother and father chuckling. I charged to my room and leaped onto my bed, burying myself in the sheets.

        "Emiko! Emiko, sweetheart!" My mother called. I tore apart my wardrobe looking for pajamas. I heard her footsteps up the stairs so I just dressed in my robe and jumped under my sheets again. "Emiko! Oh Emiko, there you are! I have somebody for you to meet!" she explained. I stretched and yawned, trying to make it seem like I had been asleep.

        "Good morning, mother!" I greeted. 

        "Go get dressed, Emiko, our guest is waiting!" mother cheerfully informed. I dressed in a t-shirt and a skirt. I marched downstairs and noticed a tall, slender woman in her late twenties. She had a blonde bob and a strict face. We made eye contact and I smiled, but she just glared and clicked her tongue. 

        "Pleasure to meet you, child." she mumbled rudely, like she had to babysit me. 

        "This is Charlotte Roy." her name sounded foreign. "She came all the way from America to help plan your wedding!" mother squealed. That explained why her Japanese was so crappy and why her name sounded so different.

        "Let's start by getting some coffee. Any suggestions?" Charlotte asked. 

        "Didn't you guys just have breakfast?" I asked. She glared. 

        "Breakfast. Not coffee." Well dang! I thought. What's her deal? 

        Mother decided to take us to a little cafe. I ordered tea as well as her. Charlotte wanted espresso, but they only sold cappuccinos and mochas until Charlotte came. By her attitude, you could tell one way or another, by the end of the day Charlotte Roy would have an espresso in her hand. 

        "Where should we start?" mother asked with a hint of fear in her voice. Charlotte took a sip of her drink and without making eye contact responded. 

        "Location." Crap. Now it really started to hit me that I was getting married!

        "Emiko! Wake up, I'm talking to you!" That was the first time Charlotte used my name/ 

        "Tokyo?" I suggested. Mother shook her head. 

        'That city is just too crazy for a wedding!" mother declined. Mother and Charlotte just rambled on about my big day for the rest of the day. Charlotte obviously liked mother more than me. I had 100% no say in my wedding. Or at least Kazumi's. 

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