Chapter 1: Part 2

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        I actually did decide to go to school later that day, but it wasn't near worth it. Remark after remark, I was about to punch somebody in the throat. "Emiko is faaaat, Emiko is stuuupid!" I couldn't take it anymore. I looked over to my friends for support, but they looked down at their feet, ashamed to stand up for me. 

        The bus ride wasn't much better either. "Go die, lard!" said Jun(a bully to me since 7th grade). I stopped mid-bite on one of my Pocky sticks, and glared at him. His giant grin turned into a sly smile and everything went quiet. I calmly finished chewing my Pocky and put the box back into my bag.

        "Jun," I began. "I did not appreciate that comment. Please apologize." I gently said. Using my mother and father's useless advice. Jun just looked at me with a blank stare. He blinked a couple of times and replastered that stupid smile acrost his face.

        "Whatever, lard." he chuckled. He looked around for a laugh but there were none. I was done with Jun. He had caused my drug use, alcoholism and many other deadly habits over the years. Bullying doesn't hurt someone, it cuts DEEP into them and leaves a scar forever and ever.

        I felt a deep rage burning in the pit of my stomach. This time--Jun would pay. Without thinking I took  a Pocky out of my bag. Everything went dead silent. "AAAAHHHHH!" I charged, violently jabbing my Pocky stick up into one of Jun's nostrils.

        The entire school bus went wild. Some of my peers jeering me on, some cussing me out, some comforting Jun's Pocky-impaled nostril. The bus driver pulled over and walked to the back of the bus to check out what was going on.

        "WHAT HAPPENED?!" He asked. 

        "Mr. Akamine! Emiko shoved Pocky into my baby's face!" Said Ayumi(Jun's girl friend). I glared at Ayumi's dramatic face.

        "I should have shoved farther, Ayumi!" I said. "It might have stabbed through his brain!" I defended. 

        "Girls--GIRLS!! I'll get this settled. Emiko APOLOGIZE. " Demanded the bus driver. He pointed to Jun. Poor poor Jun. He had a stupid baby face and a visibe bruise on his nose. I hesitated for a while.

        "Mr. Akamine, I think she broke my nose." He whimpered clutching it. I laughed.

        "I refuse to apologize for something I have no regret in." I said. I confidently stood up, smoothed my skirt, and left the bus. As I was walking toward my house I had a small sting of guiltiness, but nothing compared to the giant well of pride. I didn't look back, but I could tell that there were faces smashed against the bus windows watching me. I looked at my pudgy hands thinking that maybe-- just maybe-- being overweight wasn't so bad after all. 


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