Chapter 2: Suspended

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        I woke up to the sound of my brother, Fumio yelling at me. "Emiko, what is this?!" He asked shoving the computer screen in my face. "What is the meaning of this?!" I rubbed my eyes and focused my vision on the blinding light of his laptop at 4:42 a.m. I finally got myself used to the light of the computer and read:

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Emiko Kayasha has been suspended for 3 days/weeks/months(underline one) from Yamanashi Academy for the following reason:

Violence towards another student

Thank you for cooperating.

Sincerely, Principal Hayashi

Yamanashi  Academy

                "If mother and father will have you severely punished!" Fumio yelled. "I have a 4.0 and you are getting C's and D's! Now please tell me what pushed you to hurt someone? I we all are getting sick of this AlfLime Online crap!--"

        "Uh Fumio, it's AlfHeim Online..." I interrupted. I saw my brother's face fill with rage!

        "ALFHEIM ONLINE THEN!!" He screamed. 

        Scholarly things meant EVERYTHING to my brother. His name, Fumio, even means scholarly child. He is always writing an essay, or finishing homework. But when he isn't doing any of those things, he is writing an extra credit paper. My parents aren't very supportive of me but they have always praised him for his academic accomplishments. Me on the other hand--I was just careless Emiko.

        I've always wondered why he started to REALLY started to use his literary talent  right after my parents won the lottery. Now I knew. That's really all that they thought of him, and he was afraid that with all of that money they would kick us to the curb. 

        My brother's anger had started to calm. "Well, Em. What do you think is a suitable punishment?" I thought long and hard trying to avoid one pertaining to AlfHeim. 

        "No Pocky for 2 weeks?" I suggested hopefully. Fumio raised an eye brow. 

        "Why no Pocky?" He asked.

        "Because I jammed Pocky up Jun's nose... that's what I got suspended for." I said ashamed. I could tell that Fumio was thinking about it. 

         "Alright." he shrugged. Fumio grasped me in a tight hug. He cared. Fumio cared.  We would make it through this. Fumio looked at me. "Well it's about 5:00 a.m. we should probably go back to bed." He chuckled. I laughed.

        "Night!" I whisper/yelled. 

        "G'night." He said with a smile. And I peacefully fell asleep.


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