Chapter 11: You Can't Put Toothpaste Back in The Tube

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KLEIN:Hey sunshine!

YOU: Um..hey. Who is this?


YOU: Oh, hi! How did you find my number?

KLEIN:You gave it to me on our date.

*Friday night


KLEIN: When’s the wedding?

YOU: I don’t know, and I don’t want to think about it

KLEIN:Oh, sorry

YOU:It’s okay.

KLEIN: So what r u doing.

YOU:I was actually just going to play ALO until you texted me.

KLEIN:Oh, well then do you want to play ALO together? 

YOU:Sure, I guess.                      

KLEIN: Kk. Meet you there. 

        I shoved my phone into my bag, and placed the nervegear onto my head. "Link, start!" I commanded. My body quickly traveled to the place I last logged out. My heart stopped and my breath shortened. Kawaii Senshi stood before me fighting a monster. My body slumped into an awkward posture. And I felt beads of sweat on my virtual little forehead. Before long, the boss was killed and the Kawaii Senshi caught me in my unfortunate state of nervousness. I swiped my left finger down in a hurry to escape the uncomfortable sensation.

        "Akira!--" I heard Miki say, but ignored. I flew to Klein as fast as I could, crashing into a few walls in the process. Notification: Miki is teleporting to you. Crap. I thought. Miki showed up, then Sakura, then Kohana, and eventually the rest of the guild flew in and one by one distressed me to a pulp. "Akira! I haven't seen you in wages!" Ages, Miki, ages. I thought. She was always kind of stupid like that. I saw another girl with them. I guess Sakura noticed. 

        "That's Atsuko. She's your replacement." Replacement. The word stung like alcohol on a cut. I tried to open my mouth but no words came out. I finally managed to squeeze out an odd "Oh."  I stared down at my feet, and then over at Klein, who looked equally as uncomfortable. "You know, Akira. We've been missing you." Sakura admitted. "We'd like you to join again." I was struck with a combination of fear and happiness. 

        "You--you hurt my feelings. And I'm sure you hurt Klein too. You never even gave me a second chance. But now that you need my skill, you--you try to trick me into thinking you're my friend again? You were using me!" Sakura's eyes opened. "You were using me since the day I met! I thought our friendship was special!" I started to cry. Inconveniently, when you want to cry, you can't hold it back. 

        "Akira!" Sakura looked stunned as is I was the one that kicked myself out of the guild.

        "Let's go." Klein suggested, putting his arm around me and guiding me to the door. 

~~~Klein's P.O.V.~~~

        Sakura and I have dated before. Well--I guess. We never met in real life like Emiko and I have and our relationship only lasted for about 6 days. Sakura and I didn't have a connection. She dated me for my utilities and I dated her for her skill level, but I felt different about Emiko. Emiko was special to me. She was different in so many ways.

        I was sitting in my apartment--bored to death. I got a text from Sakura.

SAKURA: Sup ;)

YOU: Just watchin a baseball game

SAKURA: Ooh! Fun! I used to play baseball! 

YOU: Really?

SAKURA: No, not really. 

SAKURA: Anywayzies, I was wondering if you wanted to play a little ALO? :)

SAKURA: Klein?



YOU: No thanks...


YOU: Okay, fine.

        I figured I might as well. It's not like a beaten down, weird shade of beige colored apartment was getting any more entertaining. "Link, start!" I yelled, commanding the nerve gear to take me to my favorite place. I shortly met Sakura dressed in whatever she was dressed in. Daisy dukes, a strapless red top, and fishnet leggings. 

        "Oh, hey, hon. Looking for someone?" she said seductively. OK, now I was creeped out. 

        "Um.. you.. invited me here.. I thought." I said awkwardly. Sakura started to twirl her hair.

        "Oh, yeah.. silly me. I forgot. But I won't forget this." Sakura mashed her lips against mine. Like when we were dating, no connection. I pushed her away. 

        "What the heck!" I yelled just as I heard the sound of a person logging into the room. Again, Sakura mashed her face into mine, and I tried to push her away but this time she wouldn't let go. Suddenly, she fell back and screamed. 

        "KLEIN! HOW DARE YOU!" Sakura screamed. I looked over to find a broken-hearted Emiko. It looked as if she was shaking and that her whole world fell apart. "Emiko! I was just transferring an item to Klein, and he tried to KISS me!" Sakura exclaimed. Emiko fell to her knees and covered her face. 

        "Emiko, this is not what it looks like!" I tried to explain. Famous last words, huh. I thought. 

        "I'll give you two some privacy." Sakura said with a sly smile, which I was the only one to see. She opened her menu, accessed a teleporting crystal and left. 

        "I thought--that you liked me..." Emiko squeaked through tears. 

        "Emiko, Sakura kissed me, I swear!" I tried to explain.

        "I SAW YOU! I SAW YOU MAKING OUT WITH HER! You can't put toothpaste back in the tube, Klein!" Emiko yelled. 

        "What?" I was confused. 

        "Didn't your mother teach you that? Once it's out, once you see it, you can't take it back! You can't rewind my memory!" she exclaimed. Emiko bit her lip, trying not to bawl. Before I she had the chance, she logged out, and now words could explain how helpless I felt in that moment. 

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