Chapter 3: A Crush?

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        "Come on Akira you got this!" One of my guild members said. 

        "Do it for Kawaī Senshi!" Another jeered. Kawaī Senshi is the name of out guild. In Japanese "kawaī senshi" means "cute warrior" which perfectly described our guild! Cute, yet fierce and warrior-like!

        "I need help! ASAP!" I yelled. This was just a practice monster but I fought against every monster in the game as if my life depended on it. In AlfHeim Online, there are random practice stations with bossed in them. Normally people don't use these for fun, but mostly practicing for a big boss that they or their guild was preparing to fight. It didn't add to your ExP or items nearly as much as battling a real boss, but they sure came in handy. 

        I threw a ninja star at the boss's giant spatulae. The giant komono dragon/lizard roared in pain. "NOW!" I commanded. All of the Kawaī Senshi charged at the beast and attacked! There are 8 people in my guild. 1 member uses a giant wooden mallet, 2 members use daggers, 2 members use guns, 1 member uses a sword, 1 member uses a bow and arrow, and I use ninja stars.          

        The boss's HP was going down, and I saw it become weaker. All of a sudden the boss's eyes turned red, and it let out another mighty roar but this time not out of pain, but fury. The monster growled and violently pounded his fist on the ground, knocking the entire guild off of their feet!

        "Aaahh!!" we all screamed. The boss again rose his spatulae, but this time he swept us off on the ground, and dropped us, making us fall from far above. All of Kawaī Senshi was weak! Our HP levels were at 40% at the highest. But right as we thought it was it for us, a charming Salamander saved the day!  

        "I'll save you, ladies!" He confidently reassured. "UTSUKUSHī O IYASA!" He casted a healing spell. Who was this dashing Salamander? Why was he saving us? My body felt restored and I contuniued to fight the boss. One of the Kawaī Senshi  jumped onto a ledge and backflipped off of it, in the meantime shooting the monster in the eye with her bow and arrow in the eye. Now the reptile's HP was at 10%! 

        "DIE, LIZARD!" I screamed. I charged throwing 2 ninja stars, slitting the dragon's throat. It fell to the ground and died. 

        "YAA!" we all cheered. It was strange, you didn't normally see a Salamander race in this part of AlfHeim, normally just Undine races, which was the race of my entire guild. 

        "Thank you so much, sir!" I thanked. "I didn't get your name." I said. He didn't stare at me for a few moments, he looked through my eyes and into the windows of my soul, with those big eyes. He smiled. 

        "Klein, sweetheart. The name's Klein." He said. The guild rudely groaned. I looked back as to say, What's wrong with you people? 

        "Well thank you, Klein." I said.

        "You're most welcome." He replied, kissing my hand. Another loud groan from the guild. "Well I have to go... some weird crap with my guild I guess." He said. "Can I add you to my friends list?" He politely asked.  I blushed.







        I tapped the check mark and gave him a flirty smile. "Bye..." He began, checking his friends list. "Bye, Akira." he winked. My stomach filled with butterflies.

        "TOOOOOOONKIIIIIII!!" He called. A large beast-type Evil-God class monster appeared out of the clouds. 

        "Oh my gosh! We need to help him kill it!" I told the guild. 

        "No, no! Tonkii is my friend." He said. "My guild and I rescued him once in Jötenheimr. He's safe for transportation." He informed, petting "Tonkii's" head. "Goodbye, again!" He waved. I waved back. I watched him disappear through the clouds, with butterflies that spread from my stomach to my heart. 

        "Klein, what a beautiful name." I thought out loud. The Kawaī Senshi tsked and rolled their eyes. 

        "Uh oh, someone's got the Klein fever." Yuki laughed. "OOOOOOHHHHH!" The rest of the guild chimed in. 

        "Shut up!" I was embarrassed.

        Another member swiped her left finger down, accessing the menu bar. "Sorry guys gotta go. It's about time for me to eat something and then go to bed." Sakura said.

        "Me too." A large portion of Kawaī Senshi agreed. 

        "Alright, bye guys." I said logging off. When you log out, it's kind of like waking up from a night's sleep except you don't feel as lethargic as you do when you first wake up. Sometimes, your back and butt may feel a little bit sore, especially if you've been playing for several hours. I left my room, and went into the kitchen to warm up some chicken and diced veggies. 

        "Smells good." Fumio said, coming out of his room. "Are you getting tired of chef's cooking too?" He asked. I smiled.

        "Nah, I was just in the mood to cook. It's chicken and rice and veggies, want some?" I asked. Fumio nodded. I tossed some salt into the bowl of chicken and vegatables. Fumio smiled, but kind of in a sad way. "What's wrong, brother?" I asked. Fumio watched me mix the chicken and vegatables into the rice. 

        "Oh... just...well, nothing." He assured. I served the food I made onto two plates. I set them on the table, and really looked into my brother's eyes.

        "Dear Jesus, thank you for this day. Please bless this food to our bodies. Amen." I prayed. Fumio quickly started to eat. "Fumio, now tell me what's wrong." He hesitated.

        "Well, I mother and father haven't been around that much because of work, you know?" he lied. I scanned his face. He wasn't sad, he was worried. 

        "Fumio." I said. He looked up from his rice. "Tell me what you're worried about." I demanded. 

        "Fine!" He blurted. "Some jerks at academy are... are just threatening me. Like sometime in the middle of the night they're going to beat me up and steal my homework--"

        "Beat you up?" I interrupted. Fumio nodded ashamedly. 

        "I'm going to start taking Jujutsu lessons." He said. 

        "No, brother. We are going to talk to the police. You could get seriously hurt!" I said. Fumio immediatly freaked out.

        "NO! If we tell the police, the bullies will just get angry!" Fumio defended. "Please, Emiko. I'm begging you!" he begged. I saw his eyes tear up, and then fall to his cheeks. I thought for a while. 

        "There's a 50%/50% shot, Fumio. I know there's more to the story, but I have to go to bed." I said in frustration. I flopped down on my shikibuton and closed my eyes. Not once throughout the time from when I met him until this very moment had I stopped thinking about Klein. And when I was asleep, I never stopped dreaming about him.

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