Chapter 12: Do it. Do it for me.

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~~~Emiko's P.O.V.~~~

        I sat on my bed in tears. Can you flippin' believe him? I thought. How could he do this? I thought, now beginning to pace around my room. Well we never were really officially boyfriend and girlfriend... I need a snack. Pocky always did the trick. When I passed Fumio's room, I should have knocked. I really should have knocked. I was a little less than prepared when I saw Fumio and Akemi MAKING OUT! 

        "AAAAHhhhH!!" I screamed. Fumio and Akemi quickly separated and acted like I saw nothing. I covered my face with my hands. Fumio rolled his eyes. 

        "You needed something?" he asked, annoyed. 

        "Um--I--um--do you know if--do you--did we get--more pocky?" I asked, still traumatized.

        "I don't know, but you probably shouldn't be fattening up 3 days before your wedding. " He replied. 

        "WHAT?!" I yelled. I balled my fists and fell to the ground in a panic attack. I started to hyperventilate, get cold sweats, and my vision went blurry. 


        I woke up the next morning in a hospital bed; my phone blown up, and confused. I focused my vision to Akemi, who was stroking my hair and smiling. "Akemi..." I mumbled. 

        "Shh." she hushed. 

        "What happened?" I asked, regaining my voice a little bit. 

        "After you collapsed and fainted, Fumio and I brought you to the hospital." she answered calmly. I felt weak. 

        "Where are my parents?" I asked, feeling like a burden for asking lots of questions. 

        "They--they're busy planning the wedding, Emiko. They can't be here." she sighed.

        "Oh." I muttered. I sat up, rubbing my eyes, regaining a bit of strength.

        " Would you like some hot chocolate?" Akemi asked. I broke my daze.

        "Oh--uh yes please." Akemi smiled and headed towards the cafeteria. I lay down again, and before I could close my shut my eyelids tight and rest, out of the corner of my eye I saw several nurses frantically wheeling in a patient.

        "Klein-kun..." I whispered. 

        "What was that?" Akemi asked, handing me my hot chocolate. After a moment of realization she spoke again. "Oh yeah, that Klein guy. I think he got shot, that's what everybody's saying. But the cops don't know who pulled the trigger yet. But when they do catch him, he's going to be in deep trouble. He shot one of the guy's arteries!" she explained. I took a sip of my hot chocolate which was more like lukewarm chocolate.

        "Could-could he die?" I asked. Akemi sighed.

        "There is a better chance of him dying than living." she replied. My heart sank, but I was too "out of it" to cry. I can't quite remember the rest of the day. Apparently I hit my head really hard when I fell, so the doctor gave me medicine that made me loopy. Akemi and Fumio said they took some funny videos of me talking while on the medication, which I deleted immediately. 

        "I'm feeling better. I can go home now." I said, getting out of the hospital bed. Akemi grasped my shoulders and sat me right back down. 

        "You're not allowed to leave until tomorrow." she said. "Something about insurance or something. Whatever." she continued. 

      1 "Oh." I replied. That night's sleep wasn't the best. Not because of the matress, but because the gown was itchy, and I couldn't stop thinking about Klein, but I fell asleep dreaming about him. 

        In the morning, I awoke fresh and rested, but then realization came of course. I'd only forgotten Klein's condition in my sleep, if only it could last for longer. I sat up, stretched, and made my way to Klein's room. To say the least, he looked horrible. There was a visible gunshot wound in his shoulder, blood staining the gown.
        "K-klein-kun?" I murmured.
        "Excuse me ma'am, who are you?" a young nurse tapped my shoulder.
        "Emiko Kayasha. I'm um.. his girlfriend." I replied.
        "Well unless you're family you can't be back here." She informed, grabbing my arm.
        "No!" I yelled, ripping my arm away from her. The nurse looked dumbfounded and quickly hurried out of the room.
        "Emiko..." Klein mumbled.
        "Klein-kun!" I exclaimed, grasping him in a hug.
        "Listen, Emiko. I didn't kiss Sakura. She fo--"
        "I know! It's okay!" I said, squeezing his hug harder. "But why did you go to the hospital all the way out here?" I asked.
        "Well, I wanted to, like, I don't know... apologize and explain in person." He said.
        "F-for me!?" I asked astonished. Klein nodded. "Who-who shot you?" I asked angrily. He chuckled.
        "A ton of people have asked me that today, but I don't know! Some guy, like, came out of nowhere and shot me while I was in my truck." He explained. Klein gazed into my eyes with his beautiful brown ones. "Emiko, I'm not going to be here for much longer..." he admitted.
        "No! Don't you dare say those words!" I said, choking up.
        "I love you, Emiko." He whispered. "Which is why you must make me this promise. You can't marry Kazumi. Marry someone that deserves the beautiful girl you are. Get a plane to America or something. Do it. Do it for me." He said.
        "I love you, too. And I promise." I said back. He wiped a tear that was rolling down my cheek, and I held his hand in mine until I saw his last breath escape his lips.

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