Chapter 25

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"So, you're really going to do this," I asked Randy as we sat next to each other on the couch in the living room. Everyone else had already turned in for the night, but I couldn't even think about trying to sleep.

"I have to," he quietly responded, me nodding my head faintly.

"I'm going to miss you, but I'm happy you're doing something you're passionate about."

"I'm going to miss you too." He gave me a sad smile before wrapping me up in his arms, me hoping he wouldn't see the tears already coating my eyes.

The day we were all seeing him off at the airport came too soon. He was going to be doing a yearlong work-study program in Costa Rica for his junior year of high school. I couldn't imagine him not being around, but I knew how important this was to him. Everyone bid their goodbyes before it was time for us to say farewell.

I just gazed at Randy, my eyes dancing between his stunning blue. I wouldn't be seeing him until Christmas, and I already ached inside.

"I love you," I breathed, just not able to bring myself to tell him goodbye.

"I love you too," Randy replied before gently pulling me in for a hug. I squeezed my eyes tightly shut, wanting to cry less in this moment than ever. I didn't want to make things harder for Randy, but judging by his rapid heartbeat I could feel he was just as upset. After we pulled away he kissed me like it was the first and last time, breaking my heart further. I took a few steps from him as I reluctantly let go of his hand, waving to him before he disappeared in the terminal.

It was agonizing at first having to sleep alone, only having Randy's sweater to remind me of him. When I breathed in his scent it temporarily felt like he was with me. Phone calls were far and few in between, and I feared he might change when he came back. Brad was super supportive though, and Mark was there for me as well. Mark even invited me to his band practices a lot to distract my mind, and I was grateful for it.

The months grew colder and Christmas finally arrived.

The minute Randy walked through the Taylor household, since only his dad went to pick him up, because of the drifting snow, I ran straight towards my boyfriend, us sharing a hug where he picked me off the ground a little. I giggled before he kissed me on the lips, the smile never once leaving my face.

"It's good to see you two together again," Jill commented with a sweet smile.

"Yeah, I wasn't sure how much longer Katie could handle it," Brad added, causing me just to happily lean my head against Randy's as I wrapped my arms around his neck from the side. I kissed his cheek before we instantly began talking, just catching up on everything. It was like time had never passed between us, and I was back to being young and in love, not like I ever stopped loving him.

Randy and I ended up sneaking up on the roof later amongst Tim's festive decorations, careful not to bump into the Santa or reindeer. Randy laid down a thick, red checkered, flannel blanket, so we wouldn't be sitting directly on the snow.

"So...," he trailed off, a cloud of smoke flowing from his mouth because of how cold it was.

"So," I repeated, my eyes glittering over at him.

"It's great to be back. A lot of things have changed though."

"Really? I didn't notice."

"That's because you're here all the time. It's kind of hard, but we're still the same, so I'm okay with it." My heart fluttered from his sweet words, cuddling up to him as I held onto his arm. "Do you think it's very slippery up here?"

"Kind of. Why?" I lifted my head that had been leaning against his shoulder, watching as he carefully pushed himself up. He then managed to get down on one knee on the blanket, my blue gloved hand flying to my mouth.

"Katie, from the moment I met you, I had no idea I would like you so much. I mean I knew you were a nice person, but we started out as just friends. It was quickly obvious that wasn't true anymore, because I couldn't help but get a crush on you. You were beautiful and nice and always there for me. I was an idiot and a jerk for not trying to get with you sooner, but I'm just glad things worked out the way they did. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, today, tomorrow, and for infinity and beyond, which technically there can be nothing beyond infinity, but I know how much you love the movie, "Toy Story." Katie, I know we said we were going to wait until we're 18 to get married, and that's still the plan, but I just wanted to ask you now, because I can't wait a whole year. Will you marry me?"

I could barely speak as the tears fell down my cheeks, Randy grinning cutely at me as I became overwhelmed in the best way by his beautiful speech. "Yes," I breathed, slipping my glove off so he could put the diamond infinity ring on my finger. I flung my arms around him before kissing him all over his face, causing him to laugh.

"She said yes," he called, me peering over the edge to see his entire family cheering and clapping. I went ahead and put my glove back on, since my hand was growing numb, but I knew that the ring was still in place. When I looked over at Randy I couldn't believe how lucky I truly was, and before I knew it the biggest day of our lives would be here. The day where we celebrated our relationship with our closest family and friends. Maybe some people wouldn't call it fate, but, "Isn't it just so pretty to think all long there was some invisible string, tying you to me? The string that pulled me out of all the wrong arms right into that backyard, something wrapped all of my past mistakes in barbed wire, chains around my demons, wool to brave the seasons, one single thread of gold tied me to you."

A/N: Oh my goodness, I can't believe this story is over now. I literally had the best time writing it, and I want to thank all of my readers so much for the support and wonderful comments! It all meant the world! I hope you liked the ending. I used Taylor Swift's lyrics from the song that inspired the title of this book, "Invisible String." I changed them a tiny bit to fit to the storyline better, but they're basically the same. I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I had fun writing it. I've actually been thinking of writing a Brad Taylor love story, so I'll let you know if I post that in case any of you are interested in reading it. Thank you so much again for everything! I love all of you! <3 <3 <3

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