Chapter 20

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I popped a bag of popcorn with movie theater butter in the microwave as Randy rounded up a couple of sodas. We had decided to celebrate getting together by watching a movie in his room. Both of us had also decided to wait to tell anyone about us dating, especially since we didn't want it to become an issue since we shared the same household.

"What are you guys doing," Brad wondered, causing us both to freeze.

"Uh... What does it look like we're doing? We're just making some popcorn," Randy claimed.

"For what? Are you guys gonna watch a movie," Brad checked.

"Yeah...," Randy trailed off hesitantly, us sharing a look as his brother interrupted.

"What is up with you two? Why are you acting so weird?" But then his eyes widened in recognition for a second before he kind of grinned knowingly. "Wait, are you guys like together now?"

"Please don't tell anyone, Brad. We're not ready for the others to know. I'm not sure how they're going to react with us living in the same house," I confided.

"Don't worry, your secret's safe with me."

"That means you can't tell Mark either," Randy seriously said.

Brad snorted through his nose for a moment as he reacted, "Mark would be the last person I would tell. He tells everything."


"So, what are you guys really up to," Brad asked, basically teasing us.

"We're just watching a movie, Brad," I answered, unamused by his attitude.

"Okay, I believe you guys, but you might want to make sure you're quiet when you kiss."

"Just leave," Randy told him, looking kind of upset.

"I guess I'll see you two lovebirds tomorrow then." Brad winked at us before ascending the staircase, us turning towards each other.

"So, are you ready," Randy checked.

"Yeah." I smiled warmly at him as he did the same, us venturing down the steps into the basement. Once we were settled on his bed, we turned on the small, pink t.v. I owned, which was kind of hard to see from the top of his desk on the other side of the room. "Romeo + Juliet" starring Leonardo DiCaprio was playing on one of the television channels, so we settled for that. I snuggled up to Randy as he wrapped one of his arms around me, both of us munching on the popcorn. It was strange how normally I would be fangirling over Leonardo DiCaprio, but being with Randy my attention was on him instead. We both got into the film though, almost forgetting this was kind of like a date. We had been friends for so long that it was comfortable being together. I took a sip out of my Coca-Cola can as a sad scene came up, Randy also drinking his Sprite. When we both realized the popcorn bag was empty, I blushed as he wrapped me up in his arms further, our drinks on a shelf nearby long forgotten. When the credits started rolling, I went ahead and turned off the t.v., Randy gazing over at me so lovingly that it took me by surprise.

"So, what now," I wondered, our stomachs now full of salt and butter.

"Are you tired," he checked, gently brushing a strand of my hair back.

"No...," I trailed off, his blue eyes locking with mine.

"Do you wanna stay the night here?"

"Could we make a fort?" My eyes danced between his as we kept our voices low.

"Yeah," he grinned, us eventually creating a decent sized canopy hanging over his bed. As we lied down in our new, little world we both listened to the clanging of the pipes overhead, lying side by side as Randy gripped my hand tightly, our fingers intertwined.

"I never thought this moment would happen," I admitted.

"What do you mean?" He turned his head to look over at me as I spoke.

I sighed softly before clarifying, "I was starting to think we would never end up together. I was starting to think Lauren was the one. I knew Matt wasn't for me, but you two seemed so serious."

"Yeah, well, looks can be deceiving. She was pretty great, but she wasn't you."

I smiled lightly at him as I just enjoyed admiring his face, him doing the same for me.

"You know I have this sudden urge to kiss you right now," he shared.

"You don't have to tell me. Just kiss me, Randy."

"It just still seems weird that I can kiss you now, that I can hold you, that we're actually together," he emphasized.

"I know, it's weird for me too, but I'm so happy we're together now, Randy. It's just going to take some time to get used to it." I delicately brushed his bangs off his forehead as he produced a sweet, half smile.

"Yeah... Can I kiss you now?" I laughed out loud, hoping that no one would hear, especially since we had shut his door and everyone was probably on the top floor.

"Yes, Randy, you can kiss me."

He leaned in, but before our lips even got the chance to touch I started giggling.

"What?" A smile was spread across his own lips as he gazed at me, propped up by his arms so that he could reach me.

"It's just so weird..."

"Hey, we kissed earlier," he reminded me.

"Yeah, but I was just so overcome by emotion I didn't think about it. Now all I can think is, "Randy Taylor is about to kiss me." I bit my lower lip as I held back another laugh, my eyes sparkling up at his.

"So, what? Are we never supposed to kiss," he guessed, but I just merely shook my head.

"Try again, I think I'll be okay now." He slowly leaned down to me before his lips hesitantly brushed against mine before we successfully kissed, him pulling away shortly after, us smiling just as silly as the last time.

"I love you, Randy," I grinned, him lying down beside me again before wrapping me up in his arms.

"I love you too, Katie," he responded, nuzzling his nose against the crook of my neck as I giggled since it tickled a bit. Soon we had both fallen into a deep sleep, and I never felt more peaceful, our hands locked together even when we weren't conscious.

A/N: Hey guys, so this is the first chapter where it shows Randy and Katie's new relationship more. I hope you enjoyed it. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow if you did. Thank you so much! <3

Invisible String (Home Improvement/Randy Taylor Love Story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora