Chapter 3

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"You know, I've never been at Wilson's house this much," Brad commented as we played Scrabble together.

"I'm sorry. I just like hanging out with you guys, and Randy's been sick."

"Yeah..." Brad took his turn before I spoke up again.

"Is he feeling any better?"

"Yeah, mom says he shouldn't be contagious anymore."

"Would anyone like an elt," Wilson offered as he popped over to the dining table we were playing our game on.

"An elt," echoed Brad.

"Don't ask," I told him quietly.

"Ah, yes, eel, lettuce and tomato. It's quite good," Wilson urged, part of his face covered by the silver tray of sandwiches.

"No thanks, I'm good," Brad said, making a face after turning his head. He then focused his attention on me after my uncle exited the room. "Hey, you wanna come over tomorrow?"

"Sure, what's tomorrow?" I could just sense something was going on like an event.

"Mom and dad are going out of town for mom's 50 year class reunion or something."

I stifled a giggle as I corrected him, "Brad, I think you mean 20 year."

"Whatever. They're going to be gone and Al's going to be watching us. He's cool, so we can probably get away with like anything."

"Okay, are you having your girlfriend over," I questioned, since he had finally quit pining over Kelly.

"Yeah, I invited Nicole," he confirmed.

"Great," I grinned, since we already got along pretty well.

The night arrived that Al was in charge of the Taylor household, and I sat with Randy on the couch as we waited for Brad to get back from walking over with Nicole.

"I'm glad you're feeling better now, Randy," I told the boy, who was coughing a tiny bit off and on.

"Yeah, me too."

"I played Scrabble with Brad yesterday," I shared.

"How did that go," Randy asked as he crossed his arms, aware that sometimes his brother tried to pass off fake words.

"He used the word melontology, the study of melons," I explained.

Randy snorted before having a coughing fit, me freaking out as a I soothingly rubbed his back. "Randy, are you okay?" He shook his head, so I hurried to grab the right medication he needed to tame his cough. His mom had explained everything to Al before she left and I overheard.

"Thanks," he choked out after managing to gulp the medicine.

Just then Brad came in through the door with Nicole and I jumped up, us girls both squealing as we ran to each other.

"It's like they haven't seen each other in years," Brad mumbled from the side of his mouth to Randy. I hugged Nicole tightly before she pulled away.

"How are you," she asked, looking stylish in her fall colored sweater and plum, knee-length skirt.

"Good. You?"

"Great! I was so happy when Brad invited me over. We're going to have the best time!"

"Hey," shouted Brad, not happy about his girlfriend forgetting about him.

Nicole put her fingers together as she sheepishly apologized, "Sorry, Brad. I just haven't seen Katie since last week."

"I thought we were going to study together," he reacted.

"Yeah, of course." Nicole went over to him, straightening her skirt before sitting next to him on the couch. Randy rolled his eyes when he was forced to move from a look from his brother.

"Hey, you two are supposed to be studying," Al reminded the couple after Nicole had cozied up to Brad. They both groaned some as they trudged to the wood table beside the kitchen area, which was right behind the sofa and television section of the room. I thought it was neat how open their house was.

"Hey, you're not allowed to go outside," Al scolded Randy after he reached for the window door closest to the couch.

"Come on, Al, I've been inside for at least a week," Randy complained.

"No, it could irritate your bronchitis," Al firmly stated.

Just then Al was distracted by Nicole and Brad practically rubbing their noses together from how close they were, him separating their chairs.

"Come on," Randy said quietly to me. I went ahead and followed him out to the yard, a football in his hands. He seemed relieved to finally be able to breathe in the crisp, fall air.

It didn't last long though before Al showed up, becoming angry, "Randy, what did I tell you? Get back inside, both of you."

"You used to be cool, Al. What happened," Randy wondered before leaving him outside.

"I think you hurt his feelings," I admitted after we were in the warm air indoors.

"He's being so uncool. Used to he would let us do whatever we wanted."

"He wasn't in charge of you then," I observed.

"Hey, I have an idea." Randy's eyes lit up as he locked the mostly used door behind the table Nicole and Brad were at. Al was upset as he tried to get in, Randy running when he went for the second door near the television set. Randy triumphantly locked it, dancing slightly silly in front of it as Brad and Nicole plopped onto the couch.

"Randy, you're awful," I said, but I couldn't help but smile.

"I know," Randy truthfully answered, closing the blinds where Al was attempting to contact us.

"So, what do you wanna do now, Randy Taylor," I questioned, since we had no one telling us what to do.

"What about we jump on the couch," he exclaimed on the end, Brad and Nicole yelling out when they were being bounced around on it.

"Hey," Nicole spoke loudly, Brad shielding her.

"Randy," Brad called in annoyance.

"Hey, that looks like fun," Mark cut in, joining his brother as the couple left.

"How do you handle being with them when they act like this," Nicole wondered as she crossed her arms.

"Join them," I shrugged, getting in the middle of the brothers. Eventually Nicole squeezed on there with us, Randy pushing Mark off. Brad was too busy acting cool to try it. Plus, Al got a spare key from Wilson before he got the chance. All of us were scolded for goofing off, especially Randy, but I didn't mind. It was great to be with my closest friends again.

A/N: Hey guys, this chapter was actually based off a few episodes of "Home Improvement" I watched recently. I hope you enjoyed it. (: Please remember to comment, vote, and follow if you did. Oh, and Nicole's from the 80s show, "My Two Dads." I just love her, and I thought she would be a great friend for Katie to have in the story. <3  

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